Argo actor planted a sweet kiss on his wife after driving around together in a ’67 Chevrolet Chevelle

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner


Awww! Looks like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner still got it!

The pair was spotted kissing in a Santa Monica, Calif., parking lot on Wednesday after driving around in Ben’s classic red 1967 Chevy Chevelle.

And you can’t blame ’em—the parents squeezed in a bit of alone time before picking up their kids from school. After a sweet smooch, Ben and Jen drove their daughter Violet to martial arts class, where the ambitious 7-year-old earned herself an orange belt.

And after a busy award season, life is looking pretty peachy for the Argo actor and director.

While he gave an emotional acceptance speech for the Best Picture nab, the actor is aiming to spend more time with his loving wife: “I’ve been able to really just enjoy my good fortune in the last couple of weeks and sit back and kind of just take it in and not do anything, just eat ice cream on the couch,” Ben told reporters at John Varvatos Stuart House Benefit. “It’s been a really nice time to hang out with my wife and that sort of thing, so we’re just enjoying it.”

Jen is a lucky, lucky, gal.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner continue to melt hearts with their sweet display of affection. Recently, the Argo actor was caught planting a tender kiss on his wife after a leisurely drive in their classic ’67 Chevrolet Chevelle in Santa Monica, Calif. The couple took advantage of some rare alone time before picking up their children from school.Their daughter Violet impressed everyone at her martial arts class by earning an orange belt, showcasing the family’s support and pride in her accomplishments. Despite their busy schedules, Ben and Jen always make time for each other, basking in their happiness and love for one another.After a successful award season, Ben is focusing on spending quality time with his beloved wife, stating in an interview, “I’ve been able to really just enjoy my good fortune in the last couple of weeks and sit back and kind of just take it in and not do anything, just eat ice cream on the couch. It’s been a really nice time to hang out with my wife and that sort of thing, so we’re just enjoying it.”Their enduring love and commitment serve as an inspiration to many, showcasing the beauty of a strong and loving partnership. Stay tuned for more heartwarming stories and inspiring content as we continue to bring you valuable information and updates.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have once again captured the hearts of fans with their sweet and tender display of affection. The couple, who was recently spotted kissing in a Santa Monica parking lot, continues to prove that their love is as strong as ever.After a leisurely drive in Ben’s classic ’67 Chevrolet Chevelle, the duo took some time for themselves before picking up their children from school. Their daughter Violet impressed everyone at her martial arts class by earning an orange belt, showcasing the family’s unwavering support for one another.Despite their hectic schedules, Ben and Jen always make it a priority to spend quality time together. Ben, who recently won an award for Best Picture, expressed his gratitude for being able to relax and enjoy time with his wife. Their love and commitment to each other serve as an inspiration to many, highlighting the importance of nurturing a strong and loving partnership.As we continue to bring you valuable information and updates, be sure to follow us for more heartwarming stories and inspiring content. Let Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s enduring love story motivate you to prioritize quality time with your loved ones and cherish the moments spent together. Stay tuned for more uplifting content that will enrich your day and leave you feeling inspired.