Muhammad Ali’s Nephew Nico Ali Walsh Wants To Knock Out Floyd Mayweather Because Floyd Claims That He Can Beat The Legend Muhammad Ali

Nico Ali Walsh, nephew of the legendary Muhammad Ali, is determined to settle a score with Floyd Mayweather. Mayweather’s recent claim of being able to defeat Ali, considered one of boxing’s greatest icons, has sparked controversy. Nico, carrying his uncle’s legacy, views Mayweather’s remarks as disrespectful to Ali’s unparalleled legacy in the sport.

“I want to silence Mayweather once and for all,” said Nico Ali Walsh in an exclusive interview. “My uncle Muhammad Ali is a timeless symbol of boxing greatness. Mayweather’s claims diminish his achievements and disrespect his legacy.”

Muhammad Ali vs Floyd Mayweather | The Greatest Fight Of All Time

Nico Ali Walsh, known for his promising career and resemblance to his famous uncle, plans to challenge Mayweather to a match. The boxing world eagerly anticipates whether he can defend Muhammad Ali’s honor in the ring against Mayweather’s brash assertions.

I'm Muhammad Ali's grandson and an undefeated boxer - everyone wants to  beat me to say they've knocked out an Ali | The Sun

“I am training hard to prove Mayweather wrong,” Nico affirmed. “My focus is on honoring my uncle’s memory and showcasing the true spirit of boxing.”

Chủ tịch WBA: "Floyd Mayweather và Muhammad Ali là những vị vua của quyền  Anh và thương mại"

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