The latest stop on Eminem’s Recovery promo calendar is CBS’ Late Show With David Letterman, where his performance with Jay-Z (taped this Monday) will air tonight. Em will also deliver a very special Top 10 list for Dave. CBS has released a sneak preview, which you can watch after the jump.

Shady’s list is themed around “Eminem Pieces of Advice for the Kids.” Such as: “Go see Toy Story 3 — the toys are back in town.” Uh, okay! And: “Always purchase music through authorized retailers that pay royalties to the artists.” LOL?

I won’t hold Eminem responsible for these alleged jokes. He has proven himself a wickedly funny dude at various points in the past, and I assume these lines were written for him by Letterman’s usual staff. And hey, maybe they’re just saving the best gags for tonight’s broadcast? Check out the preview clip after the jump and let us know what you think.