MADE IN HEAVEN From ‘great kiss’ on fourth date to £50,000 engagement ring – Posh and Becks’ romantic story in their own words

In the early days, Victoria and David used unusual tactics to keep their relationship under wraps

THEY were the Prince Charles and Princess Diana of their day, the world lapping up every detail of their blossoming romance.

And in part three of our series celebrating David and Victoria Beckham’s 25th wedding anniversary on Thursday, we tell their love story in their own words.
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversaryCredit: PA:Press Association

Posh and Becks announce their engagement with this picture of the rings in 1998

Posh and Becks announce their engagement with this picture of the rings in 1998Credit: Getty – Contributor
From falling for each other before they even met — after the ex-England captain saw the pop star wearing a sexy catsuit in a Spice Girls video — to secret trysts in a pub car park, their relationship has gone from strength to strength.

Since their fairytale wedding broke a world record and they started the next generation of brand Beckham, we have been hooked on everything Posh and Becks have said and done.

Author Virginia Blackburn, who wrote biographies for both, told The Sun: “They were the non-royal version of what Charles and Diana had been in the 1980s. Everything they did made headlines. They had both been successful apart but, once they got together the combination was far more successful than they had been individually.

“Their wedding was all over OK! magazine, the first time a celebrity wedding had garnered £1million. It was a sensation.

“They’ve had longevity, which is so very rare in the world of celebrity. They’ve built up something really successful.”

His story

We’ve been together 27 years and we were only saying to each other the other day that we actually quite like each other

David Beckham

RECALLING fondly the first time he laid eyes on Posh, David told The Sun: “I always said that once I met Victoria, I would always be with her.

“A couple of months before we met I was abroad with the England team. Gary Neville and I were in the hotel room and a Spice Girls video came on. I think it was Say You’ll Be There. I pointed at the screen and told him, ‘That’s the girl for me and I’m going to get her’.

David plants a gentle kiss on Victoria’s nose after being awarded an OBE at Buckingham Palace in 2003

David plants a gentle kiss on Victoria’s nose after being awarded an OBE at Buckingham Palace in 2003Credit: Rex Features

The couple loved-up at a showbiz bash in 2004

The couple loved-up at a showbiz bash in 2004Credit: Joe Andrew/FAMOUS
“It was her eyes, her face. She’s my idea of perfection.”

They finally met the following year and David, now 49, recalled how they initially took things slowly — before enjoying secret trysts in the footballer’s BMW in a Harvester pub car park.

He said: “I fancied her like mad but I didn’t want to rush things. It was hard, but I managed to stop myself kissing her until our fourth date. I’m glad I waited. It was a great kiss.”


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