Photo of Ivan Demidov and MarkovPhoto credit: NHL

Ivan Demidov hasn’t even played a game in the Habs’ uniform yet, but he’s already a star.

The expectations for him are high, and he has the potential to become one of the most important pieces of the club’s future.

It’s a lot of pressure for a young man who will be arriving in unfamiliar territory in the coming months.

Who better than a former Russian Habs player, Andrei Markov, to offer him advice?

Andrei Markov Has a Message for Ivan Demidov

In a recent interview with the media outlet Match TV, the former number 79 of the Habs was asked by journalist Alexander Rogulev about the new Habs prospect. The reporter himself brought up the topic of French in Montreal, which inspired Markov to give Demidov a piece of advice.

“If he learns French, he’ll feel right at home in Montreal.”

– Andrei Markov

Markov knows exactly what he’s talking about, having been through it himself. He wasn’t a top prospect in his time, but he had to live with the pressure of being a player of that caliber over the years. He believes that if Demidov can handle the pressure, he will then be able to excel in Montreal.

“Hockey has changed; you have to promote the guys. I’m very happy that our Russian hockey player was drafted by one of the greatest clubs in the NHL. He will certainly get his chance. But at the same time, there’s pressure in Montreal that he’ll have to deal with. If he does that, playing for Montreal will be the best memory of his life.”

– Andrei Markov

It’s hoped that Markov will contact the young man in the coming weeks to explain what life is like in Montreal. What could be better than a former player who, like Demidov, left Russia to pursue his career in Montreal, where the pressure is immense and the cultural change is significant.

If I were in the Habs’ management, I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to Markov immediately to see if he’d be interested in a role within the organization. In addition to mentoring Demidov in his new life, he could provide valuable advice to the team’s other young defensemen. Imagine the expertise a player like Lane Hutson could gain on the power play with Markov as a teacher.