When Miley was on Hannah Montana and was touring, she became every 12 year old girl’s dream. We all wanted to be like Miley with our bedazzled boots, sparkly dresses and blonde wig. She became the Disney princess and no one can say no to THE Hannah Montana. Especially with Miley giving Disney a BILLION dollar franchise.


Miley was so popular for her 16th birthday party, Disney shut down DisneyLand so she could have a birthday party there.


Because of the success of the show, Miley began to have 2 identities to the public eye. She was Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana. They’re 2 very different people. With the way we identified with Hannah, it gave Miley identity issues. Suddenly anything Miley did became frowned upon and Hannah became even more praised.

People’s reaction was always to associated something Miley did in her real life to Hannah. Miley smoked a bong in 2010? What a shame, Hannah Montana was my idol. It happened to the point where Miley was like, “they critique Miley, but they love Hannah and I’m not even Hannah.” This type of mentality and foundation is what led Miley to constantly break free and “find herself.”

There came a point in time where Miley hated Hannah so much she wanted to kill her off. Like literally “don’t ask me about Hannah Montana, she’s dead to me.” Her hatred for Hannah Montana could’ve possibly came a few months after she turned 18.


I’m not sure if she was always annoyed with Hannah but I know when she was younger she loved the entire aesthetic of it all. She was like us, she glamorized Hannah; “pretty shoes! Makeup! Heels!,” but then as she grew older (16-17) and couldn’t shed that image she started to resent Hannah.

One thing about Miley that I’ve been told about for years is that she HATES being criticized. She doesn’t even like work related cliticization, in Miley’s mind it’s “oh you don’t like the song I’m singing about my goldfish?! Well you’re not the star, it’s me.” I mean serious, just look at the Dead Petz era, she could’ve presented that in a much better way, but instead she decided to go out looking like this:


But at that point she didn’t need her teams approval for things so they didn’t agree but it’s not like they could’ve stopped her.

So going back to Hannah-I mean Miley, the world criticized Miley’s every move to the point where it seemed like she could do nothing right. While they criticized Miley, they praised Hannah and basically spoke about Hannah as if she was real and not a character. So in Miley’s mind it was “these people could be supporting me, but instead they’re hating on my every move and praising a made up character.”

So ever since that became clear to Miley she started planning on how she could shed her Hannah image. Before I dive into her completely destroying Hannah, I should mention 2009, the year she met Liam Hemsworth.

The Last Song, odd behavior and Liam Hemsworth


Liam and Miley dived deep in love after they met on the set of their movie ‘The Last Song.’ It was a painful and long 10-year relationship that wasn’t always this toxic. Before I start on Liam I should tell you guys how Miley gets when she’s in a relationship.

Miley is one of those girls who can’t be alone and always needs to be in a relationship with someone. She reminds me of my dear old friends, Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande.

Usually I always say that present behavior tells a story about childhood upbringing. I know with Demi that’s the reason why she feels like she can never stay single. Something I always state about Miley is that she was always hyper-s*xualized as a child. If you read the post I linked about Miley and Dark Hollywood, you would know that she didn’t always have a good enough parental authority. She just recently admitted to hooking up with 2 girls at 12 years old and don’t even get me started on the Disney stuff (actually I did “get started” it’s in the linked post)

So back to what I was saying, when it comes to Miley and relationships she is always very needy, emotional, and passionate. Remember Justin Gaston, the 20 year old Miley dated when she was 15? Rumor has it, that she got his name tattooed right under her boob so that no one could see. When things ended, she changed it to ‘Just Breathe” instead of “Justin.” This was a story I heard for years and knowing Miley and what she does, I can safely say I believe it.


So when Liam met Miley on The Last Song set he loved the good-girl-homey vibe he got from her. By that time she was super famous and he was super irrelevant, so when he met THE Miley Cyrus and she turned out to be this chill nice girl, he was all in. Then he found out she wasn’t super…chill but more of a freak.


She loved to party and was very experimental which was very fun for him. He was with a famous celebrity and was taking advantage of the perks. From 2009-2010 Miley and Liam were on an all time love relationship high. They started partying together, experimenting with drugs together etc etc. Then it became too much.

When it became too much I would say it was around 2012…? Something like that.

Killing Hannah Montana, personality issues and the end of Miam


Like I stated earlier, ever since Miley realized how she really feels about Hannah and how the public viewed the both of them, she started itching to kill the entire Hannah image. I believe ever since she was 18/19 she was planning for a big break like Bangerz.

Miley did everything that she thought was necessary to “break free” and to be finally “her.” What that really meant for me was, “Miley is going through another identity phase.” This is something I noticed Miley often goes through and I think the double personality role she was playing at 14 contributed to it. Miley often reinvents herself to herself. It’s almost as if she isn’t exactly sure who she is so she’ll try a bunch of new things, be with a bunch of new people, do a LOT OF stuff to see what really fits for her.

It took me like 30 minutes to make this lmaooo

It took me like 30 minutes to make this lmaooo

That’s great and all, but my issue with Miley is that she will constantly destroy her past self to support her new self. She destroyed the entire idea of Hannah and completely despised it for years only now to come back and talk about how those times were really fun. “Hannah is always gonna be apart of me” Miley says NOW.

I don’t like dragging Miley for the Hannah thing because who knows what else she went through but I think it’s draining for her and her fans to constantly see her go through a personality and completely trash the one before. We all lived through the Miley Bangerz era, just for her to trash it and say the Dead Petz era is where it’s at, just for her to trash that and she she is a country star deep down no matter what and isn’t about her previous image just to shred all of that and become a rockstar. It’s draining for her and it’s draining for fans who are tired of hearing her insult her past self.

Miley is an over thinker and has pretty bad anxiety. She will overthink an era and a look. It can never be a smooth transition, it always has to be-CUT, all new style. Which isn’t bad because she is very creative and wants to express that, but then it ends up effecting who she is and becoming a new identity.


How I LOVE to describe Miley is, “you give her an inch, she takes a mile.” Miley’s personality is extremely exaggerated, it doesn’t have to be, her entire era’s are extremely exaggerated, they don’t have to be. It’s like she feels all emotions at once. Like I said, it’s not a bad thing but this type of way to live influences her relationships.

Miley and Liam’s relationship started to deteriorate because Liam didn’t want to party/experiment anymore. He wanted to settle down, take things nice and slow, get married, have kids etc. And don’t for a second think Miley didn’t tell him she wants that too, because she did.

This is the thing with Miley upgrading her personality, sometimes what she tells you 4 months ago isn’t what she wants now. Liam got very tired of that, he didn’t want to be up in the club partying till 5 am, he didn’t want glitter in his hair and ten beers in his hand. He enjoyed her wild side when she was a Disney star because it gave him the thrill of “ooo I’m sneaking around to a bar with this mega famous 16 year old” but after a while it was kind of “hey can we be normal now?”

So cute *sobs**

So cute *sobs**

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Liam was this angel and Miley was his personal devil but he did get very tired of living on a high and they often spoke about marriage and kids. So what Liam would do is he would talk to Miley about being more “chill” ESPECIALLY around his family. Miley took that as, “oh he’s embarrassed of me.” That caused relationship issues for them. He wasn’t embarrassed of Miley, I think he was just tired of his family’s uncertainness with her. It’s like she was entertaining for his family (exaggerated personality) when she didn’t have to be.

Miley with Chris Hemsworth’s wife, Elsa.

Miley with Chris Hemsworth’s wife, Elsa.

I see both point of views. I understand not wanting to be constantly questioned about your partner or feel like your family is judging them but I also understand why Miley felt grossed out by that. In relationships compromise is a big thing and I think Miley could’ve at least compromised a bit when he asked her to “chill out” in front of his family. This btw is not 2019 drama, this is when they were breaking up around 2013.

I spoke a little bit more on Miley and Liam in this post down below and there was where I exposed that they both cheated on each other during the end of their relationship. I also talk about the 2019 divorce.

Miam Breakup/relationship with Cody Simpson


Miley often gives off a “unbothered, I do what I what” image and that is actually not true at all. Miley was EXTREMELY bothered after the Miam breakup. The way she reacted in public was often a drag towards Liam. She went nuts over him after the breakup to the point where she wanted to make him jealous by being with guys and girls in public. What did Miley do to hurt him? Hook up with his friend Kellan Lutz… publicly. What we can tell from this is Kellan isn’t a good friend and when Miley is hurt she is blind.


She reminds me of one of my closest pals, Selena Gomez minus the “pushing your partner to suicide” part. Both Miley and Selena both have some toxic things in common. One cute thing is the lack of ability to take the blame for ANYTHING. With Smiley Miley and Selly Welly it’s always someone else’s fault.

BTW I’m a HUGE Miley stan. Those 12 year old girls who grew up obsessed with her and her music? I was part of that tribe. But unlike some people (Selenas brain dead fans) I can actually drag my fave.

back to regular programing…

back to regular programing…

Miley to the public eye pretended to be okay. She was all “I’ve been in a serious relationship since I was 16 and now I’m just having fun” but behind closed doors that was a different story.

Behind closed doors Miley was extremely hurt and was obsessed with Liam. I remember someone told me when pictures of Liam and a girl (i’m guessing his rebound) were on the beach got leaked, all she could see was red. So then what did she do? Publicly went out with a guy too. I believe one of those guys were Patrick Schwarzenegge.

Daily Mail

Daily Mail

They weren’t in love nor had any chemistry but they were friends and he was fun. Miley wanted to be seen kissing him to throw it in Liam’s face. It always “what’s Liam gonna think” never “should I go see a therapist” don’t get me wrong she had ones before.

The takeaway from this is that she is actually obsessed with Liam. Why do you think when they got divorced my source said “they might get back together later?” It’s this obsession with each other but the issue is, in every Miam breakup, Liam is emotionally drained. Miley lives on highs and lows, Liam does not. So while she’s experiencing all emotions at once and it seems like she’s lowkey having a panic attack, Liam will only be experiencing hurt.

Miley is in pain after the divorce and the breakup but while she’s feeling pain, hurt and sadness, she’s also feeling creative, inspired, rebellious. Liam sits in sadness while Miley feels 35 emotions at once and at a high pace speed.


Often times people will tell me that Miley is not as laid back as she seems and is actually a bit calculative. I mean dropping Midnight Sky and her breakup with Cody all in the same few days? That was on purpose. Cody liked Miley because she was fun and brought him attention and Miley liked Cody because he was “Australian” and cute. She also felt a weird emotional attachment to Cody in the beginning of their relationship and he was like “um what.” I don’t know much about Miley and Cody but from everyone I asked they basically described their relationship like that.


When Miley was going off about how much she loves Australian men, she was doing that to hurt Liam. It came off as “haha omg she’s trolling us” but in reality she hopped on the Cody train 12 seconds after her relationship ended with Liam and went around talking about “I have a thing for Australians.” By the way, Miley’s obsession with Liam means that in other relationships she’s still thinking about Liam and what he’s gonna say and think. You know how kids sometimes will do things for attention? Miley will publicly do things for Liam’s attention. That’s how they got back together in late 2015.

Also don’t get me wrong, Miley LOVES Liam. A lot. Part of her obsession comes with how much she loves him, I just think that they didn’t have HUGE relationship issues so when something gets tough that doesn’t mean run away. And thats exactly what she did.

Miley and Liam in 2016-2020

So cute ***sobs again**

So cute ***sobs again**

I remember when Miley was talking about being sober in 2017 and a friend of mine said, “she’s on her best behavior for Liam.” Which did make me laugh but you can only imagine how much I laughed when it became true.

So the reason why Miley and Liam didn’t work out in 2013 was because she was a party girl who didn’t want to stop the partying/drug lifestyle and he was controlling how she should act and be. Supposedly when they broke up and she spent time obsessing over him, she decided to clean up her image a bit to get him back. Yes, this was after the trauma she put us through with the Dead Petz era.


Anyway, Miley and Liam get back together and their biggest fan (me) couldn’t be happier. They get back together solely based on the ideas of settling and hopefully have a family. That worked out for a bit, Miley was on her best behavior to show him that she’s serious about their relationship. The issue with Miley is what she wants 3 months ago isn’t what she wants now which is not fair towards Liam.

Miley wants to go out and be trashy. She actually enjoys the freedom to do absolutely whatever she wants, I mean she literally had a photoshoot naked on FaceTime because it was thrilling. She likes going back to that lifestyle where nothing is predictable and she’s experimenting with everyone and everything but like I said, he’s over that.

I just…(2015, InterviewMagazine)

I just…(2015, InterviewMagazine)

When he would argue with her about that, Miley would get PTSD from when Disney told her she can’t do X, Y and Z. I’m pretty sure that’s why Miley has a hard time compromising because she feels like she compromised soooooo much as a child. So when he’s arguing with her about her lifestyle choices, she’s getting flashbacks from other people criticizing her. When this topic is brought up, she feels attacked. Why? She doesn’t like criticism from anything, she always believes she knows whats best for her, which is why the personality upgrades get very tiring.

Miley is also a very influential person, if she doesn’t feel like doing something she is going to want the person with her to be the same. For example she didn’t want to go to a party a few months ago and told her significant other to stay at home with her. Same with Liam, he wanted to go work and make movies, Miley started complaining about how long filming a movie is and how lonely she was gonna be which would make him sit at home. Liam wants to be like his brother, Chris Hemsworth.


He’s always appreciated the life Chris has built with his wife and kids and he wanted that with Miley. But after Miley went back to her old partying ways he knew a family wasn’t something on her mind. She also kept pushing him away.

Deep Down Who Is Miley?


Does any of this stuff mean that Miley is a bad person? Not in my rule book. Miley is a good person who genuinely cares about people. She will never make you feel like you’re weird or less than her. She has a very bubbly and outgoing personality, I hear she’s really fun.

She has a big heart and loves a lot. She isn’t a rude celebrity who thinks you’re beneath her, she values everyone around her. She has empathy for other people and is constantly vocalizing issues around the world. She is a good friend and partner (sometimes). Deep down Miley needs to work on herself before getting into ANY flings or relationships, I can see from her recent interviews that she is sober and is working on herself. She understands that if she wants to find healthy people she needs to look in healthy places. To be honest, I hope her and Liam can make things work and if not, Nick Jonas is always around the corner.


If you’re reading this and you suddenly think, “oh no! Now I have to hate Miley because of everything that was said here,” no, you don’t have to hate Miley or think she’s a bad person. Miley is genuinely good she just has flaws like everyone else. Her flaws are things she can work on because they come within her. Her obsession with partners, her need to change, her possible identity crises, it’s not like she’s out to spite someone or cause them harm.

Miley and Liam are a sensitive topic for people and I’m not putting all the blame on Miley. I know in this post things were highlighted about Miley rather than Liam and that’s because this is the ‘Miley As A Person’ post. I also don’t completely disagree with Liam, I believe what he was asking of Miley was fair. All he wanted was to settle into a comfortable lifestyle with the girl he was with for 10 years. Imagine wasting 10 years of your life with someone, only for things not to end up working out? That’s painful.



I personally believe Miley suffers with identity issues and part of that comes with the success of Hannah Montana and how people treated Miley and Hannah as if they were two people.

Miley is spoiled and isn’t used to being told “no.” Her dad is very big on “do the impossible” so Miley always grew up with the idea of, “you can’t tell me no, I’m gonna do the impossible.”

She HATES criticism. She will mistaken a lot of friendly advice as criticism and judgmental. Which leads her to do what she wants which behind closed doors isn’t always helpful for her.

She hates on all of her past eras. It’s so weird to me that Miley can’t just smoothly transition into things, she needs to DIVE into them very passionately. The way she upgrades her personality effects her eras. Like for example right now she can’t focus on a relationship AT ALL because she is in the “working zone” that’s not healthy.

Liam was infatuated with Miley when he first met her. He loved her wild side but after a while he got over it and she wouldn’t give it up. He would tell her to be a little less of herself around his family. His family wasn’t 100% team Miley, they were always never sure of her.

When Miley is hurt she wants to make the person who hurt her, hurt as well. (Take a shot for every time I say “hurt”) So after her split with Liam both times she did things to try and get back at him and make him jealous. One of the things she’s doing now is constantly talking about the relationship in a negative light. I already know that Liam is grossed out but how much she’s spilling and how inconsiderate she is of him.

Miley does everything with heightened senes. For example she claims Liam held her down in ropes (figuratively) because he didn’t want her acting as if she was at the VMAs when they would spend time with his family. You’re not supposed to act like a clown in front of your partners family in ANY relationship lol, but she took the dramatic route. She started to believe he was holding her back, not loving her enough etc etc

Miley is NOT unbothered the way she likes to come off. Behind closed doors she is definitely bothered and has had a previous obsession with Liam in the past whenever they broke up.

She has a big heart and likes helping anyone she can. She uses her platform to shift toxic ideas that society tries to put on us. She actually cares about the people in her life and the ones outside of it. She isn’t a bad person, she’s just very messy.

I think that’s it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learned a little bit more about Miley and who she is in relationships and with herself. What was something that shocked you the most? For me it was her obsession with Liam and how she is very bothered over him. What are some questions you want me to answer that I didn’t address in this post yet? Give me your thoughts in the comment section down below, which is anonymous so take advantage of that! I will be replying back.