Celebrity Paisley A-lister Gerard Butler has made an artist’s “dreams come true” after a stunning mural was erected.

The artwork was designed by street artist Johnny Hamilton, also known as Jossiepops, in Bangor, Northern Ireland.

A goal had been set by Johnny to try and get his favourite celebrity to visit the Northern Irish city and nicknamed the task “Operation: ‘Get Gerard Butler Down to Bangor’.”

And after lots of hard work bringing his image to life, his wish came true.

Butler, who was born in Paisley, sent the artist a message on Instagram complimenting his work saying that it was “extraordinary” and that the 54-year-old would love to meet Johnny at the site.

The message read: “Brother, this is extraordinary. So honoured.

“I’ll totally swing by Bangor. But would love to meet you and say hello.

“You’re some f*****g artist and you seem like an awesome dude.”

The actor kept his word after he visited the site with his two nieces and posed with a photo of him kissing the wall.

Butler can be seen taking in Johnny’s work with the YouTuber stating that he got his “fairy tale ending.”

In a post detailing his achievement, he said: “IT WORKED!

“If you build it, they will come…

“Bangor, our charming work-in-progress city, is like a masterpiece still on the easel—we love it, but seriously, can we speed up this seafront development?

“So, I had a genius idea: let’s lure my favourite Hollywood A-lister to our wee town (okay, city).”

Johnny went on to explain how he masterminded the project to get Butler to notice his work, something that he admits he was “well chuffed” of once it was complete.

He went on to say: “I hit up one of our street art hotspots, carefully choosing an image that I was sure would win the hearts of his millions of fans.

“Then, armed with spray paint and determination, I went to work.

“When I stepped back to admire my handiwork on this giant canvas, I was well chuffed! But the real challenge? Getting it in front of Gerard himself.

“And guess what? It worked!

“One Sunday morning, we were left dumbfounded by a message. Could this really be him? Turns out, Gerard Butler was not only celebrating my art but also keen on meeting me in person!

“He arrived with his two nieces, soaking in Bangor’s tribute to the A-lister. Looks like our city is making waves in the street art scene! Council, take note: if you need more walls brightened up, you know where to find me!”