SHOCKING NEWS! Neither Benny Blanco And Justin Bieber Are RESPONSIBLE For Selena Gomez PREGNANCY

Whisper it in hushed tones, but a rumor’s swirling through the internet, a delicious tidbit juicier than a scoop straight from Lady Whistledown herself: Our girl Selena Gomez is rumored to be pregnant! Cue the collective gasp of millions, the frantic refreshing of social media feeds, and the inevitable flurry of speculation.

But hold on, because this isn’t your typical Hollywood baby news.

This tale comes with a twist, a dash of mystery that has even the most seasoned celebrity sleuths scratching their heads.

The Case of the Missing Baby Daddy: Neither Benny Nor Justin Need Apply!

Here’s where things get interesting (read: completely bonkers). Sources close to the situation (okay, fine, anonymous sources on Twitter who may or may not work for gossip blogs) are saying that neither Benny Blanco nor Justin Bieber – two of Selena’s most high-profile exes – are the father.

“Wait, what?!” shrieked the internet, collectively spilling its metaphorical tea.

Suddenly, everyone’s a detective, meticulously analyzing Selena’s every Instagram post, every paparazzi shot, every fleeting mention on TikTok, searching for clues like it’s a real-life episode of “Law & Order: Celebrity Baby Daddy Unit.

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