Was Lady Gaga high when she chose her outfit for last night’s show in Amsterdam?

She’s known for her outlandish fashion sense, but the kooky pop star might have wanted to go a few sizes up on the uncomfortable-looking fishnets she wore on stage in the Dutch capital.

The too-tight hosiery appeared to be squeezing her usually-toned nether region into a muffin bottom.


When one’s nether region is in the Netherlands, it’s only fitting to do as the Dutch do…

Knowing that marijuana is legal in her host country Gaga asked fans “Does anyone have any weed?”

The singer took a cheeky smoko break on stage after audience members showered her with “Dutch cigarettes”.

Did she really smoke weed, or was she just blowing smoke at the audience?

A giggling Gaga assured the crowd, “That is not nearly enough to get me high!”

Just call her Lady “Ganja”!

Stoned? Looking a bit wobbly.

Displaying a painful case of Madonna Butt.