During Selena Gomez’s acting and music careers, she has been wildly successful, including releasing a slew of hit songs. Thanks to everything she has accomplished, Gomez is always adding to her net worth, which is already impressive.

On the other hand, there also is no doubt that Gomez has to deal with the downside of fame as well. One perfect example of that is the media’s obsession with Gomez’s private life, including everyone she has dated. If that wasn’t bad enough, Gomez also has to cope with strange celebrity feuds including one involving Chris Rock of all people.

Chris Rock Faced A Backlash After Calling Selena Gomez Out

In 2016, Selena Gomez was busy traveling the world and performing music for her fans as a part of her “Revival” tour. At that time, which should have been a career highlight for her, Gomez dealt with a lot of problems, including having one of the world’s top comedians take a shot at her.

Via: Instar

On June 7th, 2016, Rock posted a meme on the social media website then known as Twitter. The meme featured a photo of Gomez performing as a part of her “Revival” tour while wearing a gold dress.

Alongside the photo of Gomez onstage was a caption comparing her to Beyoncé. At the time Rock uploaded his post, Beyoncé was traveling the world as a part of her “The Formation World Tour”.

The meme that Rock posted was accompanied by the words “when you buy your formation tickets on craigslist”. The obvious implication of those words was that Gomez was a bad copy of Beyoncé.

When David Letterman admitted he’d engaged in many affairs, Chris Rock came on his show to mercilessly mock him to his face.

Since Beyoncé is widely considered to be an all-time great, most performers wouldn’t want to be forced to live up to her. With that in mind, it seems entirely likely that Gomez may say that Beyoncé is the superior performer.

No matter what Gomez might argue, there was no need for Rock to make fun of the tour she was working hard on. After all, if posting the meme wasn’t insulting enough, Rock accompanied it with his own caption which mocked Gomez more.

“This is true.”

Via: TheThings

Given that Rock was openly mocking one of the most successful pop stars at the time, it was no surprise his post got a lot of attention. In response to Rock’s post, many of Gomez’s fans came out of the woodwork to call the comedian out.

One amusing and simple example of a fan of Gomez calling Rock out was a play on the title of the comedian’s popular sitcom. “everybody still hates Chris” More notably, one of Gomez’s fans opted to mock Rock’s decision to make fun of a pop star who is much younger than him.

When and where were Chris Rock and Selena Gomez born, according to Britannica?

When was Chris Rock born?:
February 7, 1966

Where was Chris Rock born?:
Georgetown, South Carolina

When was Selena Gomez born?:
July 22, 1992

Where was Chris Rock born?:
Prairie, Texas

How much older is Chris Rock than Selena Gomez?:
26 years, 5 months, and 16 days

“I hope you feel good about yourself now. A grown man has to slam a young woman to make himself feel better. That’s sad Chris.”

Even though it is no secret that Selena Gomez is very successful, her massive real estate empire proves she is richer than most people realize.

Another social media user commented on Rock’s joke with a great deal of class. While the fan was upset that Rock mocked Gomez, they criticized the comedian with more respect than people typically see during social media drama.

“Although what you said is just a joke, it is totally disrespectful to Selena Gomez. It would be a funny joke if it wasn’t making fun of everything she’s been working for.”

Surprisingly, several other fans of Gomez registered their frustration in respectful ways. For example, one fan wrote, “I like Chris Rock but there was no need for the comment he made to Selena Gomez.”

Via: Instar

Alternatively, some social media users came to Rock’s defense. One of those people took to the website then known as Twitter and wrote, “Some people forgot Chris Rock is a comedian for a living.”

After all the drama around Chris Rock mocking Selena Gomez, the world learned the pop star was struggling behind the scenes. After only 55 shows, Gomez canceled the rest of her “Revival” tour because she was coping with the side effects of lupus. Those side effects include “anxiety, panic attacks and depression” as Gomez revealed in a statement to People.

In the end, Rock joined the conversation around his controversial post about Gomez. Never one to back down in the face of scandal, Rock posted the same meme a second time and included the same caption with a slight twist.

“ICYMI [In case you missed it] this is true.”

Chris Rock Once Seemingly Mocked Selena Gomez To Her Face

When Chris Rock posted about Selena Gomez, his mockery took a lot of people by surprise. However, it would be a massive overstatement to claim that a couple of social media posts amount to a feud even if it was one-sided.

Chris Rock lost more money from his scandalous divorce than most people make in a lifetime.

Following the controversy around Rock’s post, however, MTV learned of an earlier incident involving the comedian and Gomez. This earlier incident took place in 2010, the same year that Gomez turned eighteen years old.

When Gomez and Rock both attended the 2010 Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, they ran into each other on the red carpet. On the surface level, Rock and Gomez’s interaction that night seems pleasant enough. Gomez seemed sincerely excited about meeting Rock, and she was kind to his daughters.

However, looking back at Gomez and Rock’s interaction with the knowledge he considered her to be a rip-off of Beyoncé changes everything. For example, the first thing Rock said to Gomez was about her being original.

Via: Deposit/Selena Gomez Instagram

“Hey, what’s up? You look great. That outfit is so you, such a representation of who you are, and not someone else.”

After Gomez thanked Rock for his compliment, she greeted his daughters and complimented them. “Hi, guys! You’re so cute!” In response to Gomez’s kind remarks to his daughters, Rock quoted one of Beyoncé’s songs. Rock then finished his interaction with Gomez by explaining that his daughters love her and Beyoncé because they are both so unique. With the context of Rock later insulting Gomez in mind, it is impossible to not conclude the comedian was mocking her to her face.

“They love you and Beyoncé because you’re both so unique, so different, worlds apart. Like, light-years apart. One is definitely not like the other.”