8 years despite everything to love Justin, Selena is finally not the girl who accompanied him for the rest of his life

The twisted love story of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez is indeed like a drama with an unexpected ending.

After so many years, the love story of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez has always been the most talked about love story in showbiz in the world. Not only because they are the most famous stars today, but also because so many dramas in romantic dramas have come out in real life through their relationships, from dating, breaking up, reuniting, trying to love someone else but still not forgetting their old love,… Even after 8 years of watching the “movie”, no one expected the latest development that Justin chose – the girl who will get on the flower cart with him is not Selena!

After 8 years, he got along with Justin Bieber despite the intervention of relatives

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez began their relationship in late 2010, when Selena was 18 and Justin was just 16. The love for sweets at that age for many people is only fleeting, but for Justin – Selena, it has been nearly 8 years and only during that time, they have dizzyed fans with enough news when they reunite and break up.

During those years, Selena was also not without a guy to pursue besides Justin. From Zedd – her sweet boyfriend or The Weeknd – who was always with Selena when she was in the stage of a critical kidney transplant, to Charlie Puth, Nick Jonas, Taylor Lautner,… also gave her heart to Selena. But in the end, she left all those “good brothers” to return to the choice of her heart – Justin Bieber.

The other boy who was better didn’t make Selena forget Justin.

However, Justin and Selena’s love story is not as simple as the love story of the princess and prince in the Disney cartoon with the ending of “happiness together for life”. The turbulence constantly hit their relationship, making the couple who had only been together for a few months went their separate ways before reuniting. Justin even once admitted that he had an affair behind Selena’s back during the tour. The two also had a heated argument online, causing Justin to angrily lock his Instagram account for a while.

Not only the problem comes from insiders, but the scandals surrounding Justin’s life always make Selena’s friends and relatives have an unsympathetic view of the male singer. One person who has always had a harsh attitude towards Justin and Selena’s love from the beginning is Taylor Swift.

She always said that Selena deserved something better than that, for someone who didn’t make Selena suffer. In 2014, when he learned that Selena and Justin were back together, Taylor didn’t even bother to look at Selena’s face because he refused to listen to her advice. Obviously, with Selena’s “heart on the wrong place” type of love, Taylor – the rational girl in love – can hardly sympathize with her best friend.

Selena’s mother, Mandy Teefey, has also never supported the relationship between Selena and Justin. On the contrary, Justin is a thorn in the eyes of Selena’s family. After the two publicly got back together, it was reported that Selena’s family insisted on not supporting because they did not forgive Justin for what he had done in the past. Mandy unfollowed Selena on Instagram and even had to be hospitalized for stress over her daughter.

Selena herself once stated that she didn’t want to talk about Justin anymore, and wanted to completely erase the image of this ex-boyfriend in her mind. But then Selena’s relatives, friends, and even reason never won her heart. Just when people thought that Selena had really forgotten Justin, that she was happy with a good boyfriend like The Weeknd, it was as if Selena fell into Justin’s arms a little later.

Despite the world’s objections, Selena’s love still makes her proud. The singer herself once shared: “At that time, we were young and under too much pressure. It felt like it was just me and him on that path, like the whole world was against us. It was a strange feeling, but it was also amazing. I will never regret this love even for the next thousand years.”

In the end, Selena is not the girl proposed to by Justin

But life is not like a fairy tale. Justin and Selena’s “movie” also has twists and turns, unexpected endings. 8 years of spending their youth together, 8 years of seemingly indelible images of each other with others, everyone thought that Justin and Selena were each other’s true love, unable to be apart for the rest of their lives, then another girl suddenly appeared and replaced Selena in Justin’s heart – that was Hailey Baldwin.

The irony is that initially, Hailey Baldwin was a fan of the “Jelena” couple. She herself tweeted in 2011: “I don’t care what anyone thinks, but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together is the definition of a teenage dream.”

But no one expected that a few years later, this fan girl started a relationship with Justin herself during the time he temporarily broke up with Selena. The couple has known each other since 2009 introduced by Hailey’s father. But it wasn’t until 2014 that Justin and Hailey met more because they were friends with the Jenner sisters.

A year later, the couple publicly went on vacation together. Justin even posted a photo of hugging and kissing Hailey in love even though previously, Selena Gomez was the only person who was publicly expressed by Justin on social networks.

Since the beginning of dating, Justin Bieber has given Hailey things that he previously only gave Selena.

Even then, Justin appreciated Hailey so much that when he thought the relationship couldn’t go any further, they determined that this was a non-binding relationship to avoid hurting Hailey later: “I didn’t want to feel like the girl I loved was part of the responsibility I had to carry. I know that in the past, I hurt many people and accidentally said things that made them unhappy. So for now, I just look to the future and try not to hurt anyone. If Hailey ends up being the girl I’m going to marry, right? I don’t want to rush into anything, if I hurt her, it won’t be fixed.”

After 2 years, the couple no longer communicated with each other after breaking up, but in early June this year, they suddenly met again at the time Justin had just finished a few months of love with Selena (again). As soon as they met again, the love of the former lovers suddenly flared up like straw on fire. After only a few days of reunion, Justin and Hailey quickly showed their warm affection on the street, sometimes hugging and kissing in crowded places, sometimes hugging each other affectionately. Justin has dated many people, but Selena and Hailey are the only two girls he loves so much.

How much love Justin has for Selena, he also has for Hailey.

Loving for a long time is not the same as loving the right person. Hailey Baldwin proved this when 1 month after the reunion, Justin proposed to her in the middle of the restaurant with a diamond as big as his love. Selena after 8 years still can’t have a happy ending with Justin, but Hailey only took 1 month to be called his fiancée.

Some people think that Hailey will always be Selena’s replacement, who still maintains hope that Justin and Selena will reunite one day, but those are just speculations. And Justin’s marriage proposal seems to have confirmed to the public that Hailey is the daughter he loves at the moment. Selena must have been hurt a lot by this, but on the positive side, maybe after 8 years, she can finally erase all memories of her turbulent love affair with her 18-year-old boyfriend to find her own happiness.

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