Steve Harris Reveals Why He Prefers Fender Precision Basses: ‘I’ve Tried a Lots of Others Over the Years, but…’

“The position just always felt right for me.”

Steve Harris Reveals Why He Prefers Fender Precision Basses: 'I've Tried a Lots of Others Over the Years, but...'

Steve Harris revealed why he prefers to use Fender Precision basses. In an appearance on the Scars and Guitars podcast, Harris spoke about the bass guitar and his rig. Discussing a potential tryout of a bass guitar with the host, the Iron Maiden and British Lion founder revealed his happiness with Fender bass guitars, saying (transcribed by Ultimate Guitar):

“I must admit, I’m happy with the guitars I use already. To be honest, it sort of does what it says on the tin type of thing. I’ve tried lots of different guitars over the years, but I just always loved Fender Precision.”

Naturally, being an experienced and skilled player, Harris has tried out many bass guitars throughout the years, but the Fender Precision struck a chord with him.

He noted the importance of finding an instrument that truly fits you personally as a player, saying:

“I tried different ones. I tried the Jazz and I tried loads of basses over the years, and they all got their own elements and good things about them. It’s not like whatever. But I think you just have to find your own thing, really. And the position just always felt right for me.”