In Joyce Meyer’s recent sermon, she discussed the concept of doing life with God, drawing from Acts 17:28.

‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring,’” Joyce Meyer said. “…What was the writer saying? Basically, he was saying, ‘We need to do life with God,’”

Joyce Meyer’s Sermon On Acts

Joyce addressed a topic that many believers can relate to: a believer’s life is more than just attending church every Sunday. Merely going to church once a week and seeking God’s help only during times of crisis is not His best plan for every son and daughter. God desires a closer, more intimate relationship with us and calls us to “diligently seek Him.”

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“He wants us to talk to him on and off all day long about anything,” Joyce said. “Whatever we’re doing, praying for other people, just stay in contact with Him on a regular basis. And you know God is never more than one thought away and I love that.”

She also reminded us of the simplicity of just being available. One is not required to be in a specific posture to approach God. Whether it’s in a grocery store, in the car, at home, or even in the backyard, God is omnipresent and is with us at all times.

Joyce Meyer’s Reason For Unhappiness

“I want you to think about that,” Joyce said. “Think about how close God is to you. When Jesus left, the Father sent the Holy Spirit. And He said He has been with you and He will now be with you.”

If you are a Christian, God lives within you. You are His temple.

“And so you should be doing everything that you do with the idea in mind that you’re doing it with Him,” Joyce further expressed.

She shared how she lived her Christian life before and encouraged everyone not to follow the same path.

“I lived the way I’m telling you not to live for a lot of years.I went to church on Sunday. Read one chapter a day in my Bible. Said a little prayer in the morning, a little prayer at night. And that was it. That was my life with God unless we had some kind of a crisis and then we would pray about that crisis. But I tell you, when God touched my life and I realized that’s part of the reason why I was so unhappy was because I was leaving Him out of almost everything that I was doing,” she said.

But one moment opened her eyes and she saw how eager God was to be involved in her everyday life.One night, Joyce was in a bowling league, and she wasn’t very good at bowling. Then she heard God speak to her heart, “Why don’t you ask me to help you?”

She answered, “Well, you don’t care about my bowling.” And God said, “I care about everything you do.”

That was the time Joyce realized how close and personal God was. She understood that she could talk to God about anything and ask Him for help with anything.

“He’s concerned about you all the time, wants to take care of you, wants to be invited into everything that you do,” Joyce Meyer said.


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