‘It’d Be Hard for Me to Name One Song’: Michael Sweet Explains Why He’s ‘Never Been a Big Fan of Metallica’

“But hey, man, God bless ’em.”

'It'd Be Hard for Me to Name One Song': Michael Sweet Explains Why He's 'Never Been a Big Fan of Metallica'

Michael Sweet admitted he wasn’t a big fan of Metallica even though he has nothing but respect for the band, noting how he prefers the Judas Priest or Iron Maiden “style of metal.”As the metal band with the highest level of mainstream recognition in history, Metallica is often taken as the golden standard of heavy music. Nevertheless, even such widely recognized artists don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea, especially for those who prefer the more old-school approach to metal, as opposed to the thrash school that Lars Ulrich & Co. have been championing for so long.

Stryper’s Michael Sweet seems to be one of those people, as he revealed during a recent interview with Robert Cavuoto of Myglobalmind. According to the glam era veteran & Christian metal pioneer, Metallica certainly deserves all the praise, but simply doesn’t do much for him (transcription via Blabbermouth):

“I respect Metallica. I get why everyone else loves Metallica. And they’re obviously legendary. I’ve never been a big Metallica fan. I don’t listen to Metallica. It’d be hard for me to name one song. Maybe I could name one or two songs. I’m just not a big Metallica fan. I don’t get excited about that style of metal. I get excited about [Judas] Priest, [Iron] Maiden style of metal.”

When it comes to the generation of US metal bands that followed the British greats of the NWOBHM era, Sweet notes how he prefers Pantera, even though, as he argues, Metallica’s influence on the Texan metal institution is obvious:

“Even Pantera, which, obviously, you hear a lot of Metallica’s influence on Pantera. But I get excited about that. We played with Pantera in Mexico and there’s an energy, man, that’s just indescribable. And we played with Metallica before, too, back in the day, when Dave [Mustaine] was still in the band.”

“So I know about Metallica, and it’s not like I’m not educated. And I’ve heard them. I’ve seen them. Of course. But I don’t know. There’s just something about Metallica that just doesn’t do it for me personally. But hey, man, God bless ’em. Amazing, legendary band who has proven to be a force.”

In other news, Michael Sweet recently noted how it’s very difficult for bands in Stryper’s position to continue touring, due to soaring costs:

“It’s very, very costly and very expensive to tour. And when you’re only making so much money… A band like us — we’re not Bon Jovi and an arena band selling out arenas anymore. So we’re playing clubs, pulling five, six, seven, eight hundred people.”

“And when you get a 10-thousand guarantee or a 15-thousand-dollar guarantee, and you’ve already spent 10 or 15 thousand dollars, and you’re in the red, it makes it very difficult to continue touring.”