Beatle Paul McCartney’s daughter talks John Lennon, creating heartfelt doc with her dad. tt

Mary McCartney has made her directorial debut with ‘If These Walls Could Sing,’ a new film about Abbey Road Studios.

Mary McCartney spent her childhood at Abbey Road Studios, one of the most legendary recording facilities in the world, where her parents made music together.



McCartney, daughter of Beatle Paul McCartney and photographer Linda McCartney, has fond memories of being raised in a “normal” household – one filled with love and music. Now, she’s looking back at the London locale’s history in a new documentary titled “If These Walls Could Sing.”

“What inspired me to make this film was my love for Abbey Road,” the 53-year-old told Fox News Digital. “I’ve grown up going to Abbey Road over the years, but I didn’t realize it was 90 years old until I was invited to direct the documentary. So that really inspired me. And I wanted to know more. And I learned so much through the process. But it started with my love for the building and the people that worked there over the years.”


Sir Paul McCartney and his daughter Mary

Sir Paul McCartney sat down with his daughter Mary McCartney for her new film, “If These Walls Could Sing.” (Photo by Joe Maher/Getty Images)


According to the filmmaker, she was even more compelled to bring the story of Abbey Road Studios to life after she came across a 1977 photo of her parents – and their pony – strolling through a nearby crosswalk.

“We lived nearby, so they recorded there with [the band] Wings,” McCartney explained. “When I was there researching… people would come up to me and say

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