Explores the latest controversy in Hollywood, where Oprah Winfrey faces shocking accusations of mistreating and underpaying Black actresses. Taraji P. Henson and others have bravely spoken out, sharing their experiences. Surprisingly, industry legends like Denzel Washington and 50 Cent are supporting them. Watch as we delve into the allegations of exploitation and inequality that have shaken the entertainment industry.

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Chicago, IL – Legendary actor Denzel Washington was subjected to a shockingly racist barrage of insults and mockery from host Oprah Winfrey during an extremely uncomfortable interview taping this week.

Washington, who was brought on as a guest ostensibly to promote his upcoming film, seemed stunned when Winfrey opened the interview by questioning his future career prospects and making fun of his name.

Oprah Winfrey, la polémica que le ha llevado a perder parte de su imperio

“So Denzel, I’ve got to ask – does it feel like déjà vu knowing you won’t be landing many more big roles after this?” Oprah quipped to a smattering of gasps from the audience. “An aging actor like yourself has got to have a fallback plan, right?”

A visibly uncomfortable Washington let out a pained chuckle as Winfrey continued to double down on her insults.

“I mean, your name is Washington for crying out loud – have you ever thought about just opening a laundromat?” she said, breaking into a fit of laughter. “You’d be perfectly suited to spend your days washing tons of clothes!”

Despite Washington attempting to steer the conversation towards his new movie on multiple occasions, Winfrey simply ignored his attempts and continued mocking him with racist undertones.

“Or maybe you could just pack it all up and go back to living among your little tribe in Africa where you belong!” Oprah said with a cruel smile. “I’m sure they’d love to have their dear Denzel back in the village.”

Denzel Washington launches campaign to play James Bond | The Independent |  The Independent

According to audience members, the crowd let out a collective gasp as Washington’s jaw dropped in shock. But Winfrey wasn’t done with her racist rant.

“What, did I take it too far?” she cackled. “I’m just kidding, we all know you people can’t take a joke!”

Witnesses say Washington remained speechless as Winfrey continued to laugh hysterically, seemingly proud of her “edgy” insults.

“It was one of the most blatantly racist and mean-spirited things I’ve ever witnessed,” said audience member Michael Sanderson. “Oprah insisted on demeaning and mocking Denzel every chance she got. It was utterly cringe-worthy.”

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, producers were forced to cut to commercial when it became clear Winfrey had no plans to rein in her insults and racist remarks.

Representatives for Washington declined to comment, though sources claim the actor was “blindsided” and “disgusted” by Winfrey’s words.

The Oprah Winfrey Network has also stayed silent on the controversy. However, many are calling for Winfrey to be fired and the offensive interview to be shelved entirely before it has any chance to air.

“The comments Oprah made were sickening and a fireable offense at any other network,” wrote entertainment critic Tanisha Jones. “If OWN has any sense of decency, they will remove her from the air immediately and apologize to Mr. Washington. There is no excuse for that level of racism towards a respected figure like Denzel.”

As of this writing, the interview’s airdate remains set for next week with no edits made to remove Winfrey’s racism.