How did Oprah betray the King of Pop? Janet Jackson Reveals Oprah’s Secret Plot to Destroy Her Brother Michael Jackson’s Career!

Janet Jackson không thích trả lời phỏng vấn | VTV.VN

Janet Jackson reveals Oprah’s secret plot to destroy her brother, Michael Jackson’s career. See how Oprah betrayed the King of Pop in her interview with the accusers of the controversial Leaving Neverland documentary. This is a must-watch for all Michael Jackson fans and those interested in the truth behind the media’s portrayal of the famous pop star.

Oprah Winfrey is synonymous with Hypocrisy and betrayal, of course that she did openly backstab Michael Jackson and his entire family. The lack of professionalism of this woman is just blatant, it’s quite insulting that she is perceived as a good source unlike those that really apply on the subject.

When Michael Jackson lost his life in 2009, Oprah Winfrey appeared on TV particulary touched by his sudden disappearance, calling the singer magical and great loss. However, she was among those people who slandered him after he has been falsely accused by a 13 year old boy called Gavin Avizo in 2004. She transformed this hot topic into a debate on her show, she dared to say to her public that it was not normal for a adult to share his or her bed with a child, even though you are the parent of the actual kid. It was strangely surprising to see or even hear for certain, since that she had the chance to interview and discuss with the singer in 1993 at his own ranch, Neverland.

At Neverland, Oprah Winfrey did not just sit and talk with Michael Jackson, she also had the privilege to visit many places and room of the singer’s housing – even the place where the new accuser James Safechuck claimed that he has been abused, the famous chamber in the theater. To her, Michael Jackson did even explain the utility of this room, revealing that sick children in the impossible ability to move or suffering of a heavy disease that impeach them to walk or make them paralyse could go in this piece and lay on the bed. From this chamber they could watch movies and be present during magic trick. As you understand now, the late singer shared a lot and have been really open to her, she had all the exclusivity that any journalist could dream of about the King of Pop, his vitiligo, his hard relation with his father, his secret girlfriend, his eccentric behavior. He gave it all, and she seems grateful toward him about that, and seems to understand him. Behind the camera there were a lot of hugs and laugh between them, like two friends enjoying the presence of each other.

The rating of this interview was big and explosive !

So she praised him for a while, defined him as a sensitive and beautiful human being who worry about others. Later, in 2005, she attacked him like many other journalist screaming how bizarre his behavior was, and in 2009 she will cry with many people the decease of the same man … on TV.

Wanting more, she will reach the children of Michael Jackson and get the chance to interview them with their grandmother, the wise Katherine Jackson. Once again, Oprah get another exclusivity and pretended to feel sorry for the family’s situation.

And now here we are …

In this new year of 2019 a new and unexpected film about Michael Jackson accusing him once again of sexual abuse on two young boys now adults, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, is released at the Sundance Festival and attracted rapidly people’s attention. Later, the film is entitled to its broadcast on HBO following by a special interview of the two accusers by the host of OWN, Oprah Winfrey herself. Yet, the success of the movie won’t last longer since that the work of the british director called Dan Reed will lose all credibility thanks to several and perfect revelations. The film was a lie and BS ! She will not waste time erasing any trace of her participation in this garbage, and stayed completely silent in face of new questions concerning these scandals.

What will it happen tomorrow ? When Michael Jackson’s name will be newly praise she will follow this trend like a sheep ? Something tells me yes.

She still did not apologize to the Jackson Family.