*Corey Feldman REVEALS personal misconduct in Hollywood and EXPOSES the shady rituals of Barbra Walters & Oprah!*

Corey Feldman’s claims about his experiences in Hollywood have not received the attention they deserve. He entered the industry as a child actor and gained fame for his role in the 1985 film “The Goonies.” Unfortunately, like many young actors, Corey faced inappropriate behavior from individuals within the industry and from his own family. These experiences highlight the darker aspects of Hollywood that young actors may face.


The entertainment industry, often seen as a glamorous world of stars and red carpets, has a darker side that has become increasingly apparent in recent years.

This dark side is not just a matter of individual misconduct but reflects systemic issues that have plagued Hollywood for decades.

Among the most vocal critics of this underbelly is Corey Feldman, whose revelations about abuse in Hollywood have ignited significant discussion and controversy.

This article delves into the troubling aspects of Hollywood revealed by Feldman and others and explores the broader implications for the industry.

Corey Feldman, a former child actor known for his roles in iconic films such as The Goonies, has been a prominent figure in highlighting the exploitation and abuse that occurs within the entertainment industry.

Feldman’s journey through Hollywood was marked by both success and significant personal trauma.

He has openly discussed the abuse he and his co-star Corey Haim faced during their childhood, attributing these experiences to powerful individuals in the industry who have used their influence for nefarious purposes.

Corey Feldman dice que le han vuelto a robar la famosa chaqueta de "Dream A Little Dream"

In interviews and his memoir, Feldman has shed light on the unsettling realities behind Hollywood’s façade.

He has detailed how certain individuals, who are among the wealthiest and most powerful in the industry, continue to operate unchecked.

Despite his attempts to expose these abuses, Feldman’s claims have often been met with skepticism and resistance.

His revelations are not merely personal grievances but part of a larger pattern of systemic abuse that has affected many young actors.

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Feldman’s efforts to bring attention to these issues have not always been met with support.

A notable example is his 2013 appearance on The View, where Barbara Walters, a renowned journalist known for her probing interviews, appeared to prioritize Hollywood’s reputation over the serious allegations Feldman presented.

Critics argue that Walters’ approach was dismissive and aimed at undermining Feldman’s claims rather than addressing them with the gravity they deserved.

In the segment, Walters seemed more interested in protecting the industry’s image than in investigating the abuses Feldman described.

This reaction has been seen as part of a broader pattern where powerful figures in media and entertainment work to silence or discredit those who attempt to expose wrongdoing.

This reluctance to confront uncomfortable truths reflects a systemic issue within the industry, where maintaining a polished public image often takes precedence over addressing real problems.

The dynamic between Barbara Walters and Dolly Parton further highlights Walters’ controversial interviewing style.

In a 1977 interview with Parton, Walters attempted to undermine the country star’s credibility by focusing on superficial aspects of her persona rather than her talent and accomplishments.

Despite Walters’ efforts, Parton’s poise and authenticity shone through, ultimately enhancing her public image and reinforcing her status as a beloved figure in the entertainment world.

Parton’s interview with Walters is often cited as an example of how Walters’ approach can backfire, revealing more about the interviewer than the interviewee.

Parton’s graceful handling of the situation demonstrated her strength and self-assurance, contrasting sharply with Walters’ perceived attempts to belittle her.

This encounter, while not directly related to the abuse allegations in Hollywood, illustrates the broader context of media dynamics and the challenges faced by those who attempt to speak out.

The issues highlighted by Feldman’s revelations are not isolated incidents but part of a systemic problem within Hollywood. The exploitation and abuse of young actors, along with the protection of powerful individuals who engage in misconduct, point to a need for significant reforms in the industry. These reforms must address the following key areas:

Protecting Young Actors Ensuring the safety and well-being of child actors is paramount.

This includes implementing stricter regulations and oversight to prevent abuse and exploitation.

The industry must prioritize the protection of young talents over financial gains and star power.

Accountability for Powerful Figures There must be accountability for individuals who use their influence to perpetrate abuse.

This includes holding powerful figures accountable and ensuring that victims are heard and taken seriously.

Media Responsibility Media personalities and institutions have a responsibility to handle sensitive topics with care and integrity.

Dismissing or undermining allegations of abuse contributes to a culture of silence and complicity.

Support for Victims Providing support and resources for those who have been affected by abuse is crucial.

This includes access to counseling, legal assistance, and platforms to share their stories without fear of retaliation.

Corey Feldman’s courageous efforts to expose the darker side of Hollywood have brought much-needed attention to systemic issues within the industry.

However, his experiences also highlight the challenges faced by those who attempt to speak out against powerful figures and entrenched practices.

The media’s role in addressing these issues, exemplified by Barbara Walters’ controversial interviews, further underscores the need for a shift in how sensitive topics are handled.

As Hollywood continues to grapple with these revelations, it is essential for the industry to undertake meaningful reforms that prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals, particularly the most vulnerable.

By addressing these issues head-on, Hollywood can begin to move towards a more transparent and accountable future./.