VIDEO One Piece Gives Its Most Underwhelming Battle the Extended Version It Deserves


Seraphim in One Piece anime surpass manga’s portrayal, posing a massive threat to Dr. Vegapunk and Luffy’s Straw Hat Crew.

Episode #1109 showcases the intense team-up battle with Luffy and Zoro against S-Bear and S-Hawk, exceeding the manga.
Toei’s current staff enhance One Piece anime with extended battles, dazzling animation, and entertaining filler material.

One Piece‘s story is moving at a thrilling pace in the manga, which has unfortunately shortchanged some of its most anticipated moments, but thankfully, the fight with Luffy and Zoro against Hawkeye’s Seraphim has finally been given the focus it deserved. The Egghead Island arc has surpassed most fans’ expectations with incredible plot developments and loads of unexpected battles with several fan-favorite characters. Thankfully, Toei’s One Piece anime has continued to amaze audiences by giving the arc’s best scenes more time to shine while letting its animators show off.

Luffy’s Straw Hat crew got a lot more than they bargained for when the tension between the World’s Smartest Man and The Five Elders broke on Egghead Island. The arc thoroughly introduced Dr.Vegapunk’s ultimate android-like creations, the Seraphim. The World Government’s ultimate enforcers are not only replacing the Seven Warlords of the Sea but are some of the strongest characters in One Piece‘s world.

Looking back at the arc, it’s a wonder how much author Eiichiro Oda has fit into its chapters, while at the same time, certain moments were not covered as thoroughly as fans hoped. Still, episode #1109 of One Piece‘s anime perfectly demonstrates the Seraphim’s fearsome might and how effectively the series can handle filler material in an incredibly entertaining manner that builds its characters further.

The Seraphim Can Defeat Almost Anyone, Even If The Manga Didn’t Show It

There Are Likely Only A Handful Of Characters Capable Of Defeating A Seraphim

One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk using Blade Fingers in a fast attack with lense flare on bottom of the screen. One Piece Anime Episode 1109 shows Hawkeye's Seraphim S-Hawk preparing an attack with Green and white aura shining past his black feathered wings.
One Piece Anime Episode 1109 shows a stylish flashback of Mister One with Devil Fruit that grows Blades from his body.
One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk lunging towards Zoro while a restrained Kaku is thrown into the air.
One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk fights against Zoro and forms a Blade from his elbow. S-Hawk in episode 1109One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk using Blade Fingers in a fast attack with lense flare on bottom of the screen. One Piece Anime Episode 1109 shows Hawkeye's Seraphim S-Hawk preparing an attack with Green and white aura shining past his black feathered wings.
One Piece Anime Episode 1109 shows a stylish flashback of Mister One with Devil Fruit that grows Blades from his body. One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk lunging towards Zoro while a restrained Kaku is thrown into the air. One Piece Anime Episode 1109 Seraphim S-Hawk fights against Zoro and forms a Blade from his elbow. S-Hawk in episode 1109

Thanks to the traitor of Egghead Island pushing tension to new heights, the Seraphim has begun turning on Dr.Vegapunk and the Straw Hat Crew. Despite Luffy and Zoro proving capable enough to handle Emperor of the Sea Kaido and his monstrous Beast Pirates, the doctor’s creations, whom he’s called “The Strongest Form of Humanity,” have proved to be a world-class threat. Episode #1109 was a fantastic display in direction and animation that surpassed the manga by showcasing more of the battle between Hawkeye and Kuma’s Seraphim against Zoro, Luffy, and some unlikely allies.

Luffy and Zoro had a tough choice ahead of them when Seraphim S-Bear (based on Kuma) and S-Hawk (based on Hawkeye) began attacking them along with the handcuffed CP-0 agents, Kaku and Lucci. Any One Piece fan knows that the agents have a tense history with the Straw Hats. With the extreme challenge Dr.Vegapunk’s creations presented, especially in episode #1109, Luffy no choice but to unrestrain the government’s assassins, resulting in an anticipated One Piece team-up battle that far exceeded how it was adapted in the source material, manga chapter #1076.

Toei’s Current Staff Have Been Cooking Egghead Deliciously

Kuzan’s Attack On Whole Cake Island and Law’s Battle Against Blackbeard Were Also Extended

Luffy and Zoro guarding Lucci and Kaku

Luffy and Zoro’s battle against the Seraphim only lasted a handful of panels in the manga, but One Piece episode #1109 showed much more. The incredibly talented animator Vincent Chansard, whose work has helped bring some of the best fights in One Piece‘s Wano arc and Jujutsu Kaisen to life, and he played a massive role in making S-Hawk’s assault into one of the most thrilling battles in the arc so far. With fluid transitions and jaw-dropping character animation, Zoro’s struggle against S-Hawk’s terrifying onslaught while throwing around the restrained Kaku was a brilliant exercise in comedy, action, and intensity.

The production teams behind creating One Piece‘s anime have perfected a solution for creating filler material by extending battles and even showing fights that the manga mostly skipped over. With so many world-changing moments and revelations happening in the Egghead Island arc, the anime has so far succeeded in adding new, widely entertaining material that helps give viewers a better perspective on its cast that the manga didn’t have time or space for. And as manga readers know, the One Piece anime-only fans have a lot to look forward to, especially in the hands of Toei’s current talented staff.

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