Yonko are powerful pirate rulers in One Piece; Marines fear them. Each has unique abilities like Haki and Devil Fruits.
Blackbeard has Logia and Paramecia powers, including nullifying other Devil Fruits. His strongest attack is Gurash.
Shanks is a top Emperor in the series, relies on Haki. His strongest attack, Kamusari, took out Eustass Kid and Killer.

The Yonko are incredibly powerful individuals that the fans have seen quite a lot of in the post-timeskip of One Piece. These are mighty pirates who rule the New World like Kings and their influence is such that even the Marines do not dare to directly take them on in battle without orders.

The Yonko are mighty powerful, and much of that is down to their incredible Devil Fruits, as well as their tremendous usage of Haki. Over the years, fans have seen quite a lot of nearly all the Emperors, and they certainly do have some special powers up their sleeve. In fact, every Yonko has an ability that makes them unique.


Strongest Ability: Muggy Ball

One Piece Bara Bara No Mi Buggy Luffy Nami

Undoubtedly, Buggy is the weakest of all the Emperors that the fans have seen in One Piece. His rise to Emperor status is an entire fallacy and fans know that he does not hold up to an actual Emperors in any way. Still, Buggy does possess this title and he has the power of the Bara Bara no Mi at his disposal.

When it comes to his strongest attack, fans know that he possesses the Muggy Ball, which he utilized extensively in the Impel Down Arc. To be fair to Buggy, he might have leveled up in terms of attack power after the timeskip of the series, however, fans have not seen him in combat yet to conclude that he does possess stronger techniques.


Strongest Ability: Kurouzu, Gurash

Blackbeard laughs as he uses the Dark-Dark Fruit during the Summit War in One Piece.

Blackbeard has not revealed his full deck to the fans just yet. However, fans do know that he possesses two mighty abilities and those are of the Logia type Yami Yami no Mi, and the Paramecia type. In terms of utility, his Yami Yami no Mi is the strongest power that he has.

He can essentially nullify any other Devil Fruit ability and use Black Hole to suck in just about everything. However, in terms of attack output, Blackbeard’s strongest power is Gurash, which he utilized against Law. This is essentially a tremor that can sink islands with ease. He likely has stronger abilities up his sleeve that he has not shown to the fans just yet.


Strongest Ability: Kamusari

shanks one piece characters that might make a move in 2024

Shanks is one of the strongest Emperors, and potentially the strongest Emperor in the series right now. He does not have any Devil Fruit power, and as a result, Shanks does not rely on anything other than Haki in combat. Given the Shanks is a master of Haki, he utilizes Conqueror’s Haki as his biggest asset in combat.

His strongest power that the fans have seen so far came against Eustass Kid, and it is the same one that Roger utilized against Oden as well. Shanks’s strongest attack is, by far, Kamusari. This powerful blow was able to take out both Kid and Killer at the same time.


Strongest Ability: Shima Yurashi

whitebeard using his devil fruit during One Piece's Summit War

Whitebeard was the former user of the Gura Gura no Mi, and fans know that he possessed incredible might that could even destroy the entire world.

Whitebeard’s strongest technique was Shima Yurashi, which saw him grab onto thin air and tilt his entire surroundings. He could cause earthquakes, and sequakes, and tilt the entire ocean if he so wanted.

3Big Mom

Strongest Technique: Misery, Soul Pocus

Misery One Piece Homie Misery One Piece Big Mom
Misery One Piece Power
Misery One Piece Homie Misery One Piece Big Mom Misery One Piece Power

Big Mom is a woman with many weapons to utilize. In fact, in her case, it is very hard to figure out what her strongest attack is. Big Mom can fight in a plethora of ways, and each attack of hers is stronger than the previous one. She’s also very versatile in combat.

For instance, anyone who fears Big Mom even the slightest is essentially dead right on the spot in combat against her. She can make use of Soul Pocus to take their soul away and kill them. However, when it comes to stronger individuals, Big Mom has other weapons up her sleeve. In the fight against Kid and Law, Big Mom made use of Misery, which was a combination of her special homies and was strong enough to overpower even Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law.


Strongest Technique: Kaen Hakke

Kaido Kaen Daiko one piece

Kaido is quite easily the Yonko that the fans have seen the most of. He revealed his entire arsenal of techniques in the Wano Country Arc, and it is easy for the fans to see that his strongest technique is, by far, Kaen Hakke. This technique was a byproduct of Shoryu Kaen, where Kaido created a giant fire dragon capable of melting Islands just by passing over them.

This technique was incredible, however, it was not strong enough to overcome Luffy’s usage of the Hito Hito no Mi, model: Nika, as well as his Haki.


Strongest Ability: Bajrang Gun

Luffy bajrang gun vs Kaido one piece episode 1077 where to stream

Luffy has recently ascended to the level of a Yonko, and fans know that he is incredibly powerful. Luffy’s strongest technique is, by far, Bajrang Gun.

He utilized this technique in his fight against Kaido, and this technique essentially saw him create a fist as big as an entire island and then bring it down on the Yonko. Essentially, it defeated Kaido and created a hole in Wano, sending him down to the underground volcano.