One Piece: Oda Shows There Is A Power More Dangerous Than Haki

One Piece chapter 1119 dropped recently and it was certainly a very fascinating addition to the story. Once again, this week’s chapter was incredibly short, with just 13 pages. However, all these pages were packed with incredible action of the pirates against the Five Elders, for the fans to see. At the same time, there was a lot of incredible information packed into the chapter, some of which ended up amazing the fans.

As we have been expecting for weeks now, the Iron Giant was going to make a move and deal significant damage to the Elders. Now, it has successfully done so. Clearly, there is a power greater than even Haki in One Piece that has been sleeping right under the noses of the fans, and Oda has started to introduce it here.

The Importance Of Haki And Devil Fruit In One Piece

Haki And Devil Fruits Are The Primary Source Of Power In One Piece

 When it comes to the major powers of the One Piece world, Haki and Devil Fruits reign supreme. Devil Fruits Form the primary power system in the One Piece world, as the vast majority of the series is filled with these mystical fruits. Be it before the time skip or post-time skip, Devil Fruits have had an importance that goes beyond just granting strong powers. These fruits were made long ago in the One Piece world in unexplained ways, but fans will most definitely get to see more related to that later on.

Along with Devil Fruits, Haki is yet another incredible power that exists within everyone in the One Piece world. It can be said that Haki is more of an even power when compared to Devil Fruits, given that everyone possesses it and just needs to awaken it. Haki makes everyone a strong fighter, and that makes it slightly better in terms of uniformity. In the case of Devil Fruits, individuals have to first find them, which is already difficult to begin with, and those who do find them lose their ability to swim. Then, there is also the factor of Devil Fruits granting various abilities. Some are great, while others don’t offer that much of an advantage. It all depends on a person’s luck, and to some extent, their personality as well. Both of these powers are incredible and offer a way to the top.

Curiously enough, there is a misconception among One Piece fans that Haki is the only power that can reign supreme. This comes from Kaido, who said that Haki transcends all and Roger brought the world to heel, so that must be proof of it. However, while the statement certainly does hold some truth to it as Haki is incredibly overpowered and can actually be used to be just about anyone, it’s not the only power that can take one to the top. There are overpowered Devil Fruit abilities that can match and surpass Haki as well. Luffy’s very own Nika fruit is one such example. The Yokai abilities of the Five Elders are just so overpowered that not even Haki can damage them. Clearly, there are many abilities in One Piece that have different users, and now, Oda has introduced yet another one with extremely exciting powers. This ability, despite having been in front of the eyes of the fans, has not been given the credit that it deserves, and it is the power of science.

The Power Of Ancient Energy And Science In One Piece

Ancient Energy Is The Key In The Final Saga Of One Piece

  The power of ancient energy and science in One Piece is connected. This is because the Ancient Kingdom, which existed around 900 years ago, was a bountiful kingdom with incredibly advanced science. In fact, their science was so advanced that even Vegapunk, who is currently 500 years ahead of humanity, cannot comprehend it fully. This just goes to show that the science that existed 900 years ago is already far beyond the humanity of 500 years from the current timeline in One Piece. This paints quite a picture of how powerful the Ancient Kingdom was.

The Power Of Ancient Energy

The Ancient Energy Could Deal Deadly Blows The Gorosei

While one might underestimate what ancient energy can do, One Piece chapter 1119 gave fans a proper glimpse of this. In this chapter, Warcury was seen rushing towards the ship of the Giants. He was moments away from crushing the ship and essentially killing just about everyone onboard. However, that is exactly when Emeth, the ancient giant, sprung forth and punched Warcury right across the face. The power of the Ancient Giant was such that Warcury’s horns broke and his face actually took damage for the first time.

More importantly, it also means great things for characters like Sanji, who are very dependent on science in combat. Sanji has also been labeled the Warrior of Science in the past, and fans know that it is through him that Oda is showing the advancement of science. Come the end of the series, Sanji is going to be the epitome of science and fans should expect great things from him, now that ancient energy has been explored to this depth, where it can do things that not even Haki or Devil Fruits can in One Piece.

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