One Piece: Emet The Iron Giant, Explained

Iron Giant One Piece Strength


One Piece chapter 1119 reveals the Iron Giant’s name, Emet, and its connection to Joy Boy.
Emet’s history and role in the Ancient Kingdom and its connection to Joy Boy remain mysterious.

Emet’s power is immense, potentially surpassing Luffy’s Gear 5 and Haki, and its future role on Egghead Island is uncertain.

One Piece chapter 1119 was absolutely massive in terms of what it revealed to the fans, and readers are thoroughly excited by the direction that the series is headed in. The beginning of the final saga came with the Egghead Island arc, and fans knew that in the future, characters such as Vegapunk would have a massive role to play.

That is precisely what ended up happening, and for the entirety of the arc, the theme surrounding science and scientific kingdoms has been prevalent. The Ancient Kingdom itself was revealed to be a bountiful Kingdom that was incredibly advanced in terms of science. While this Kingdom was erased during the Void Century, bits from it do live on to this day. The Iron Giant, for instance, is a piece of the Ancient Kingdom that is still alive. The Iron Giant was recently revealed to hold the name Emet, and One Piece will most certainly explore his story more from here onwards.

Emet – The Name Of The Iron Giant

Joy Boy Revealed The Name Of The Iron Giant To Be Emet In One Piece 1119

iron giant one piece 1118
iron giant one piece 1118
Iron Giant from One Piece manga
iron giant one piece 1118 iron giant one piece 1118 Iron Giant from One Piece manga

In One Piece chapter 1119, the name of the ancient giant was finally revealed to the fans. It was only a matter of time before Oda made this massive revelation. The first thing that fans knew was that the Iron Giant was absolutely spectacular in times of its creation, and of course, what it did in the past. The Iron Giant was revealed to have been created at some point during the Void Century and it has been alive since then. 200 years ago, when the Fishmen made a massive move in terms of equality with the humans, the Iron Giant was active once again. Now, around 800 years after its creation, the Iron Giant is resurgent once again. On Egghead Island, the Iron Giant has already played a massive role and it will continue to do that later down the line as well. Right from when the fans saw this giant, its significance was apparent.

Joy Boy, Where did you go? Want to see you. You were there, Joy Boy. Strange. So strange…

Now, it appears that his role is bigger than ever before, as fans are finally starting to find out more about this individual. In One Piece chapter 1119, the name of the Iron Giant was revealed to be Emet. In fact, Joy Boy was seen talking to Emet in this chapter, and he had an important message for him. Joy Boy told Emet that the time was at hand, which means that it was clearly asking it to be ready for something. In One Piece chapter 1119, it was clear to see that Emet acted because of Joy Boy, and it will be intriguing to see what it does from here onwards, although it might not be all that difficult for the fans to predict.

The History Of Emet The Iron Giant

Emet Had A Very Close Relationship With Joy Boy

Iron Giant in One Piece

The history of the Iron Giant is a very intriguing one. Emet was created long ago in the One Piece world. Around 800 years ago, this Iron Giant was already active, but it is likely that it was created a bit before the conclusion of the Void Century. The fact is that Emet was most definitely created by the people of the Ancient Kingdom. It is unclear who exactly created it, and how this Giant was created in the first place. Fans will likely find that out later down the line, but for now, all they know is that the Ancient Kingdom was responsible for the creation of this massive giant, and then, at some point, it was given the name Emet. It is likely that this name was given to the giant by Joy Boy himself. This is down to the fact that Emet shares a very beautiful relationship with Joy Boy. What the significance of this relationship is and how they fostered it remains unknown at this point of time. Fans will most definitely see more of that later.

Emet, listen! The time is at hand! – Joy Boy

For one, what fans need to keep in mind is that Emet could potentially have fought in the war alongside Joy Boy. However, there is also an equally big chance that it didn’t. The only fact that fans can be sure of is that Emet attacked Marijoa, which happened 200 years ago.

As explained by Vegapunk at the beginning of the arc, 200 years ago, the Iron Giant somehow was still active. It scaled the red line by itself, and attacked the holy land of Marijoa. The Five Elders also back this up by saying that it ran riot inside the Holy Land, and they clearly recognized the giant from then. Curiously enough, the Iron Giant was not recognizable from the Void Century. If it was active during this time, the Elders would most certainly have said so. Instead, they said that they recognized it from 200 years ago, which means that the Iron Giant might just be way too young to have actually fought in the Void Century and was just a spectator.

The Role Of Emet The Iron Giant

Emet Still Has A Role To Play On Egghead And Beyond

five elders finish off iron giant one piece 1119 warcury vs iron giant one piece 1119 iron giant sinks one piece 1119 warcury vs iron giant one piece 1119five elders finish off iron giant one piece 1119 warcury vs iron giant one piece 1119 iron giant sinks one piece 1119 warcury vs iron giant one piece 1119

Of course, Emet has now been introduced in One Piece in grand fashion. In One Piece chapter 1119, Emet was seen attacking Saint Topman Warcury. He intended to destroy the ship of the Giant Pirates and prevent Luffy and his group from setting sail. It was clear to see that Warcury’s strength was absolutely immense, and had he made contact with the ship, it would most definitely have sunk. However, that is where Emet came into play. He landed a powerful blow on Warcury, completely clobbering him and even breaking one of his tusks. This was absolutely shocking for the fans to witness, given that Warcury was immune to any sort of damage.

His skin was too tough to even scratch, and his tusks would be harder to break. Now, Emet has done it in a single blow, and that just goes to show that his power is superior to that of Luffy’s Gear 5, his Haki, and just about everything else that he had in his store. Emet runs on ancient energy, and this adds a new layer of importance to both him as well as ancient energy.

One Piece 1118 Iron Giant

Most certainly, Emet will continue to fight the Elders in One Piece from here onwards, and his role can go in two directions. The first thing that he can do is potentially escape somehow from the island, or survive and then later meet Joy Boy. The second option is to sacrifice himself here so Joy Boy and his companions can escape Egghead. Both of these options are valid, and it will be interesting to see what way Oda takes for him. It would be nice to see Emet meet with Luffy and converse with him, at least once. So, at this point, fans can only hope that this Iron Giant survives.

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