– Chapter name: “Emeth” (Emeth is written as “エメト” in Japanese).

– Cover page: The journey of the Oni child, Yamato, chapter 9: “Yamato reached Kibi and was stoned at the head by children who hated Kaido.”

– The chapter begins with a scene inside Egghead’s lab, Kaku has been freed from the bubble by Stussy. But Kaku is angry with Stussy because of Edison’s last words to her.

– Kaku: “Friends!? Don’t make me laugh!!”

– Kaku tells Stussy to go before Lucci gets to them (Lucci does not appear in this chapter). Kaku held back his tears as he said those words to Stussy.

– Scene change to Egghead beach. The giants are cheering for Luffy and Bonney. Mars talked to them.

– Giant: “Nika~~~♡”

– Mars: “2 Nika? That’s just a fake transformation thanks to the power of “Toshi Toshi no Mi”…!! Don’t go beyond your limits!!!”

– Mars attacks the Elbaf ship by shooting another stream of fire. Luffy turns into a giant balloon to block the fire. Luffy screamed in pain but he blocked the fire and protected the ship.

– Luffy then stretched out his arms and grabbed both of Mars’ wings while talking to Sanji and the others.

– Luffy: “These monsters can recover no matter what we do…!!
So the only thing we can do about them is to blow them as far away as possible!!”

– Luffy then asked Bonney, Sanji and Franky to attack his ball’s body with everything they had. Bonney was shocked but they all followed Luffy’s plan.

– Sanji: “Ifrit Jambe: Memories of Hell!! (魔神風脚: 地獄の思い出)”

– Franky: “Strong Impact Right!! (ストロング 衝撃右)”

– Bonney: “Tokudai: Nika no Punch!! (Extra-large: Nika Punch – 特大: ニカのパンチ))”

– Bonney, Sanji and Franky coordinate to attack Luffy’s back. Luffy screamed in pain because they used Haki (Luffy didn’t mention anyone specifically because he was looking at Mars, and only Bonney and Sanji used Haki because their attacks were highlighted in black). Luffy then made his body bigger and pushed Mars towards his giant belly.

– Luffy: “Gomu Gomu no Dawn Balloon!!! (Gum-Gum White Balloon –

– Luffy combines Bonney, Sanji and Franky’s attacks with his own power and blows Mars out to sea (Mars disappears and creates a flash of light in the sky, like when Team Rocket in Pokemon is hit lose).

– After pushing Mars away, the Elbaf ship is ready to set sail. Luffy asked where Usopp and the others were, Sanji said they were late (Nami, Zoro, Jinbe or Nusjuro did not appear in this chapter).

– Atlas tells Sanji and the others that they need to go do something first. She then tells Lilith in her head that York can now track their movements. Atlas was about to tell them what to do when the scene suddenly changed.

– Beneath the sea, the Ancient Robot stood up and the “Den Den Mushi Broadcast” inside it also became active again.

– Vegapunk’s message continued and some of his words were played, but there was a slight interruption in transmission.

– Vegapunk: “…What is inherited…It can be called will…
… I hope this message reaches… Those affected by the cause…”

– More reactions around the world as people see Vegapunk reappear on screen.

– In Cake Island, Katakuri, Moscato, Brownie and Zuccotto are wondering what Vegapunk wants to talk about now. Vivi and Morgans are again shocked to see that the transmission is working again.

– And FINALLY, Gaimon and Sarfunkel appeared… But because they didn’t have Den Den Mushi, they didn’t know about the worldwide broadcast =)))

– Return to Egghead Island. York tells the Five Elders that “Den Den Mushi Transmission” uses separate circuits for “transmission” and “memory storage”. So the only way to permanently stop the broadcast is to completely destroy it.

– Ju Peter releases agents Cypher Pol and Seraphim onto Navy warships. Ju Peter then began to suck the Elbaf ship back.

– Luffy jumped back to shore and punched Ju Peter in the face to stop him. But while Luffy was punching Ju Peter, Warcury ran past him and was about to jump onto the Elbaf ship. Warcury is about to crash into it.

-Luffy: “Oh no!!
The wild boar is coming!! Be careful!!!
That guy’s head is so hard!!!”

– Brogy: “That guy looks like trouble!! Move or he’ll smash our ship!!!”

– Bonney turned back into a child after using “Extreme Nika Punch”.

– Sanji: “Bonney-chan!!”

– Bonney: “I can’t do anything anymore… Freedom is too much effort…”

– Luffy noticed something coming from the water. It is an Ancient Robot, remembering the voice of Joy Boy in the past (Joy Boy did not appear).

– Ancient Robot: “Joy Boy…”

– In the last double page of the chapter, the Ancient Giant Robot emerges from the sea and punches Warcury in the face, breaking one of his giant fangs.

– Joy Boy: “Listen, Emeth… When the time comes, you have to…”

– Emeth: “Is it now?”

– Everyone was shocked. Dorry and Brogy’s eyes popped out

i. Luffy’s eyes became sparkling.

– Dorry & Brogy: “Who the hell is this guy~~~~~~!!!”

– Luffy: “Robotttttttttt~~~~~~!!!”

– Editor’s message: “”Romance” just got even more romantic!!”

– End of chapter, no new chapter next week. One Piece will return in Weekly Shonen Jump #33/2024 (released on July 16).

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