joy boy nika nusjuro one piece 1115


Chapter 1115 of One Piece revealed secrets of Joy Boy and the ancient world, including a massive war and the sinking of the world.
Vegapunk predicted a continuing war due to the existence of ancient weapons still active in the world, controlled by the World Government.
The Void Century war 800 years ago caused a rise in water levels, sinking the ancient world beneath the ocean and reshaping the One Piece world.

One Piece chapter 1115 dropped earlier today and it was most certainly one of the most intense chapters of the Egghead Island arc. When it comes to uncovering the secrets of the Void Century, it was up there with the best. One Piece chapter 1115 revealed all sorts of secrets about Joy Boy, the ancient civilization that existed in the past, the state of the world, as well as how the conclusion of the war came about after the Void Century.

Oda also tackled secrets pertaining to the scars left behind by the previous war, and all in all, it was certainly a fantastic chapter.

Vegapunk Reveals Joy Boy’s War

Joy Boy Fought A Hard Battle Against 20 Rulers

vegapunk message end one piece 1116
vegapunk message five elders one piece 1116 Ancient kingdom minks one piece 1116vegapunk message end one piece 1116 vegapunk message five elders one piece 1116 Ancient kingdom minks one piece 1116

One Piece chapter 1115 dove deep into the mysteries of the world. Previously, Vegapunk talked extensively about Joy Boy, who he labeled to be the first pirate. In this chapter, he dove even deeper into the subject of Joy Boy and mentioned that he was actually a very fierce warrior with incredibly formidable allies. Due to some differences between Joy Boy and 20 other sovereigns of the world at that time, there was a massive war that took place. This war was one of great proportions that shocked even Vegapunk. According to Vegapunk, he was not certain as to who was right or wrong in this world, and that is only because he has only studied a few Poneglyphs and he does not really know the reasonings behind why this war took place in the first place.

Joy Boy’s enemy was the World Government of the present day! More accurately, it was the precursor to the World Government…A provisional army put together by 20 Kingdoms known as The Alliance!!

All he knew was that they were on two opposing ends, in terms of their ideologies, and eventually, they clashed. For the 20 Kings, it would have been impossible to wipe out Joy Boy had they not formed an alliance. This alliance was incredibly powerful and it allowed them to fight back effectively against Joy Boy and his mighty nation. Vegapunk also went on to reveal that due to the incredibly advanced nature of the Ancient Kingdom that existed long ago, the world of One Piece saw the creation of many powerful ancient weapons during this time. When that happened, the world felt the effects of these powerful weapons that were able to scar and destroy countries as well as those living there.

How The World Sank

The Real One Piece World Is Under The Ocean

ancient kingdom sunken one piece 1116

Vegapunk also revealed the secrets of how the world sank in One Piece chapter 1115. Previously, he made it clear that the world of One Piece is going to sink. He did not mention anything about the world having been sunk once before. However, fans were able to put two and two together and figure out that the world of One Piece had actually sunk before as well and that is how Vegapunk knows all this. In this chapter, this idea was confirmed, as Vegapunk himself revealed that he had studied the Poneglyphs and they told him the story of how the world was scarred by the usage of ancient technology.

The wake of that ancient conflict scarred the world, and those scars never truly healed!

The biggest problem in the war that was fought 100 years ago was the technology that was utilized. On various occasions, this technology scarred the entire planet, and once the war ended, which only happened after Joy Boy ended up dying, presumably 800 years ago, this war came to an end. However, by this time, these weapons had been used multiple times and they had already scarred the world in unforeseen ways. These scars were permanent and could not have been healed.

Vegapunk went on to reveal that the usage of these powerful ancient weapons caused the water level to rise by 200 meters, which is absolutely staggering. Recently, the water levels only rose a total of 1 meter and several Islands became uninhabitable. Now, one can only think how 200 meters of rise in water level would have affected the world of One Piece back then.

This brought Vegapunk to the biggest point in his message. The world of One Piece as the people know it right now, wasn’t always a bunch of islands, with raging seas between them. In fact, there were many continents that existed long ago in the One Piece world, and traveling across them was very easy. A thousand years ago, the world was completely different and now, it is almost impossible to tell that it is the same place that it was long ago. This drastic change was brought about by the Void Century War that concluded 800 years ago. Due to the staggering rise in water level, the world that people used to inhabit long ago sank under the ocean. There are only a few places that ended up surviving due to being way above 200 meter water level rise and these are the islands that people of the One Piece World know today.

The real One Piece world is deep at the bottom of the ocean, and that is precisely why records of the ancient history were easily hidden by the World Government. Had it not been for this mass sinking of the world, preserving records and uncovering them would have been way too easy. This worked out perfectly for the government and eventually, they erased all traces of Joy Boy and this kingdom, other than the Poneglyphs that were left behind.

The Declaration Of A Continuing War

A War Is Still Going On In One Piece

imu one piece 1116 Ancient kingdom minks one piece 1116 straw hat escape plan nami usopp one piece 1116 straw hats escape egghead zoro jinbe one piece 1116imu one piece 1116
Ancient kingdom minks one piece 1116 straw hat escape plan nami usopp one piece 1116 straw hats escape egghead zoro jinbe one piece 1116

One Piece chapter 1115 also saw a declaration of a continuing war by Vegapunk. He clearly mentioned that long ago, the war was fought using powerful Ancient Weapons. However, these weapons are not inactive. In fact, they are still present in the current world of One Piece, ready to be utilized once again, which is a massive threat to the current world. Fans also know that the Five Elders, who are under Imu, intend to do another Great Cleansing, which means a war is on the horizon.

Vegapunk Was able to make this bold prediction because of the recent rise of 1 meter in the sea levels. Clearly, this told Vegapunk that these ancient weapons still exist and that they are actively being utilized by the people of the World Government. Vegapunk has now mentioned just about everything that he knows, and it will be incredibly interesting to see how things will go from here onwards.

bonney and franky vs nusjuro one piece 1116

Clearly, Vegapunk isn’t done with this message and there is more to come in the upcoming chapter. However, the next chapter will likely see this message conclude. Vegapunk’s message might still reveal some absolutely massive bits of information, such as the name of the Ancient Kingdom, or more details pertaining to the individual that was Joy Boy. Fans only need to sit back and see how things shape up from here onwards.