One Piece: A Fan-Favorite Character Makes His RETURN To The Manga


Vegapunk’s message reveals past world truths and Joy Boy’s existence.

Charlotte Katakuri reintroduced in One Piece 1119, potentially playing a significant role.
Katakuri’s future role likely as an ally of Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates in the Great War.

One Piece is currently in the Egghead Island arc, and Oda has explored the concept of a future Island to the fullest in this part of his story. Egghead was also the beginning of the Final Saga, and fans knew that from here onwards, things were going to get serious. That is exactly what has happened, and Vegapunk has got much to do with it. In this arc, Vegapunk revealed an elaborate message that tackled the past of the world, the truth about those who reached the Final Island, and of course, the existence and the return of a particular individual who goes by the name of Joy Boy. Vegapunk’s message was transmitted all over the world and every single individual in the world of One Piece was able to hear it.

This also included many characters that fans had seen in the past, and Oda took this opportunity to reintroduce them in the story after a very long time. Now, in One Piece chapter 1119, Oda reintroduced Charlotte Katakuri.

Charlotte Katakuri’s Return In One Piece 1119

Katakuri Made An Appearance In One Piece 1119

One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Special Paramecia
One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Kick
One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Zan Giri Mochi
One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Chikara Mochi
One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Special Paramecia One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Kick One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Zan Giri Mochi One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Chikara Mochi

Charlotte Katakuri is a beloved character who fans first got to see in the Whole Cake Island arc. Ever since the conclusion of the arc, however, Katakuri was nowhere to be seen. He did make it to a cover story, where he fought against the Vinsmoke siblings, and was later tricked by Caesar Clown. However, ever since then, fans have not seen him at all. His presence in the story has been lacking since his own arc ended, and that is to be expected to some extent. However, now, Katakuri has been reintroduced in One Piece and fans are expecting him to play a big role from here onwards. In One Piece chapter 1119, Vegapunk was seen continuing his message and he mentioned a will that was passed on from the people of the old to the next generation. This is likely the Will of D. This message was being transmitted by Vegapunk to the entire world, which means that every person in the world was able to hear it. Of course, Katakuri was no different. He, along with the vast majority of the Big Mom Pirates, were seen witnessing the message from Vegapunk.

It isn’t clear what Katakuri thinks of the message or what he intends to do from here onwards, but fans know for sure that the fact that Oda has showcased him once again means there is a possibility for him to be involved in the story later down the line. Katakuri simply stared at the message in silence and fans did not see much from him. However, just one panel from him was enough to send all the readers into a frenzy. This is a beloved character that fans came to love in the Whole Cake Island arc, despite his role as an antagonist. Hopefully, Katakuri will go on to play an exciting role in the future.

Katakuri’s Absence In The Story

Katakuri Didn’t Appear In The Wano Arc At All

One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Yaki Mochi One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Yanagi Mochi One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Kaku Mochi Luffy One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Nagare Mochi
One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Yaki Mochi One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Yanagi Mochi One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Kaku Mochi Luffy One Piece Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi No Mi Nagare Mochi

Katakuri’s absence in One Piece has been a big miss for the fans. He was first introduced in the Whole Cake Island arc, shortly before Big Mom’s Tea Party began. Back then, it was revealed that Katakuri was an enemy of the Straw Hat Pirates, who, at the time, were attempting to assassinate the Yonko to save Sanji’s family. Katakuri was revealed by Bege to be the super villain there, because he had the ability to look into the future with his Observation Haki. He made an immediate impression, both with his design as well as his performance in the Whole Cake Island arc.

I no longer think you’re below by level, Straw Hat! – Katakuri

Later on, he ended up fighting against Luffy, and he took this fight a bit more personally than expected, because Luffy was a reflection of his past self. Katakuri took on this challenge, where, despite being stronger than him, he was actually rooting for Luffy to prove him wrong. Luffy, using his formidable strength, was able to do just that, and shattered his false beliefs.

At the end of the arc, Luffy formed an exciting bond with him, and fans know that this bond will blossom later on in the story as well, which is why his small inclusion in One Piece chapter 1109 is absolutely massive in terms of what it means for the story.

Fans had also been waiting desperately for his return. This is because Katakuri clearly has a bigger role to play. He was portrayed by Oda as an antagonist in the Whole Cake Island arc, but towards the end, it was hinted that Katakuri could end up becoming an ally. Katakuri wanted to be freed from the burdens that were placed on him and the only one who can liberate people fully in One Piece is none other than Luffy. Things are going to get much more exciting in the future and fans know that he will be involved in the coming war, in one way or another.

Katakuri’s Future Role In One Piece

Katakuri And Luffy Could Join Hands In the Great War


Fans might be wondering what role Katakuri will have to play in the future of One Piece. This question is an exciting one, and the answer is quite simple. Katakrui will play the role of an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates later down the line. This is simply down to the fact that Big Mom might actually be dead already. Even if she is not dead, Big Mom is not a Yonko anymore, which means that she is not going to be in the race for the One Piece. Big Mom’s children will likely be freer than they used to be. In that case, Katakuri will have the choice to pursue his own heart. Even if he doesn’t, the fact that the World Government is prepared to step down from the Holy Land and actually wage yet another war in order to give rise to a Great Cleansing, implies that pirates need to stick together right now, more than ever before.

Will you come back here and defeat Big Mom someday? You’re looking too far into the future! – Katakuri

If Katakuri were to ally with someone right now, the best person to do that with would, of course, be none other than Luffy. As such, the role of Charlotte Katakuri in the future is going to be that of an ally of Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates. The Big Mom Pirates will be allies of Luffy, hard as that may be to believe.

Katakuri Staring Down Luffy In The Mirror World In One Piece

Fans might actually get to see Luffy and Katakuri fight together side by side in the Great War to come, because if they don’t join forces, it will certainly be a missed opportunity. Fans also hope for him to get stronger, given that he is a man with the disposition of a King, as he has the ability of Conqueror’s Haki. Katakuri could potentially lead his own crew in the absence of the Yonko Big Mom, and this will elevate him further in the eyes of the fans.

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