Loose Women’s Linda Robson couldn’t resist making a savage dig at co-star Janet Street-Porter on Monday.

During the latest episode, the panellists aired a debate titled: “Does marriage work better for men than women?” which prompted an awkward exchange between Linda, 66, and Janet, 77. Host, Christine Lampard, said: “Is marriage actually better for men than it is for women, what do you think, Janet, did you know what you were signing up for?”

To which Janet admitted: “Marriage is a job” before Linda interrupted her, exclaiming: “Well you’ve done it five times!” This prompted Janet to fire back with: “Four times, Linda, four times. Arithmetic was never your forte!” with the audience laughing in response over the exchange.

Loose Women's Linda Robson couldn't resist making a savage dig at co-star Janet Street-Porter on Monday
Loose Women’s Linda Robson couldn’t resist making a savage dig at co-star Janet Street-Porter on Monday 
Image: NO
It comes as Janet previously admitted on the show that she woke up the morning after her wedding and regretted it. The Loose Women panelist, who has been married four times, claimed she didn’t want to go through half of her weddings but did out of pressure and embarrassment. Stacey Solomon called her co-star “the Grim Reaper of marriage” at the time as the pair argued about the importance of tying the knot.

Speaking about marrying someone you don’t love, Janet said: “Well maybe if you’re involved in something, in an event of that magnitude, you think I’d better go through with it.

“I mean 50% of mine [weddings] have been like that. One I knew the next morning. I adored him and I still do to this day but the next day I got up and I thought ‘why did we do that?’ That was a big mistake, but we had a great party.”

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Loose Women's Linda Robson couldn't resist making a savage dig at co-star Janet Street-Porter on Monday
During the latest episode, the panellists aired a debate titled: “Does marriage work better for men than women?” 
Image: NO

Elsewhere, back in 2017, Janet married herself on Loose Women. The red-haired panellist walked up the aisle of the chat show studio in a full white veil – holding a bouquet of roses. Once Janet had walked up the aisle instead of an anxious groom, she was confronted with a mirror and Frank Lampard was on hand to officiate – waiting with a certificate in hand.

“Do you Janet, take you Janet to be your lawfully wedded Janet?” Frank asked at the time to which the blushing bride responded: “Why the hell not!” Elsewhere on Monday’s show, it was Janet’s 1000th episode and show as they celebrated in the ITV studio.