Emmerdale is lining up some big twists on the ITV soap next week, with spoilers revealing two huge discoveries.

One character is left contemplating what to do after finding out they are pregnant. But there could be danger ahead for one resident, in a fire twist.

Elsewhere, Ruby Miligan prepares to hand herself in to the police after Ethan Anderson’s recent D3@THin the village. But was Ruby really to blame, and will she tell Charles the truth?

It’s Ethan’s funeral in sad scenes, as his family gathers to say goodbye to him. But some news about his cause of D3@THleaves someone “shell-shocked”. Here are the biggest moments happening in the village next week…

Emmerdale is lining up some big twists on the ITV soap next week
Emmerdale is lining up some big twists on the ITV soap next week


Emmerdale villagers will finally find out how Ethan Anderson died next week on the ITV soap, as his cause of D3@THis released. But the results leave one villager shell-shocked and another reeling, amid one character hiding their guilt. Ethan had been injured in a hit and run days before he collapsed and died at his home.

Only a select few residents know who was responsible for the incident, while it has not been confirmed that this is what killed Ethan. With his grieving dad Charles Anderson desperate for answers, he’s been waiting for the post-mortem convinced his son was killed.

Ruby Miligan has been sneaking around he Andersons, hiding the fact she could be the reason Ethan is dead. Feeling guilty, next week Ruby prepares to hand herself in – but soon some news about Ethan leaves her shell-shocked as Charles reveals the results of the post-mortem.

Baby news and fire horror

Belle Dingle learns she is pregnant
Belle Dingle learns she is pregnant

Belle Dingle will find herself in terrifying danger this week on Emmerdale when a fire breaks out. The Dales resident has been struggling as of late, following her new marriage to vile Tom King. Tom has been coercively controlling Belle, gaslighting her and has even physically abused her on occasions.

However, she is adamant she wants to stay with him, desperate to make her marriage work as she is convinced he can change, with him constantly assuring her that what she is experiencing is her fault and not his.

In shocking scenes next week, Belle realises she is pregnant. Whilst most would be thrilled to be expecting, she is horrified and hides her pregnancy from Tom. She tries to see what her options are, before eventually Tom finds out about the baby.

Later in the week, a tired Belle decides to take a nap with Piper. Tom has locked her in the house as part of his controlling abuse, but as they nap upstairs, a fire begins in the kitchen thanks to Belle leaving the hob on. A tea cloth catches fire – but will Belle and Piper make it out ok?