Buckingham Palace ‘furious’ at Queen’s secret death plans being leaked as hunt launched for culprit

“FURIOUS” Buckingham Palace aides have launched a mole-hunt after detailed papers for the Queen’s death sensationally leaked today.

Top officials are said to be on the warpath, with a probe into who revealed the documents under way.

Palace officials are understood to be furious that plans for the Queen's death have leaked today

Palace officials are understood to be furious that plans for the Queen’s death have leaked todayCredit: Getty


The secret blueprint for Operation London Bridge – the codename for the plans – reveals every detail of the official response, from Charles’ ‘mourning tour’ of the UK to what royals will post on social media.

It also details fears that London will be “stretched to breaking point” as millions of mourners head to the capital.

The top-secret document was handed to a political website in a shocking breach.

And aides are now tracking the person responsible after the plans made headlines around the world.

Such details are meant to remain private and embargoed – as they were when the Duke of Edinburgh died in April.

Prince Philip planned his own funeral arrangements as part of Operation Forth Bridge.

His coffin arrived at St George’s Chapel in Windsor in a specially-adapted Land Rover, as per his specific instructions.

The country heard of his wishes after he died at the age of 99 at Windsor.

But Brits have today learned every detail of the plans for the Queen, from the announcement of the monarch’s death to her state funeral 10 days later.

Prince Charles will be pronounced king the morning after his mother’s death, before immediately heading on a tour of the country to grieve with the public.

And the day the Queen dies will be known in Whitehall as D-Day, according to Politico, which published the papers.

The Prime Minister will be told by Buckingham Palace’s most senior courtier: “London Bridge is down.”

The head of the civil service and top ministers will also be informed.

Flags will be lowered to half-mast across Government buildings within 10 minutes and Parliament will adjourn if sitting.


As when Philip died, the Royal Family’s website will revert to a black holding page confirming the Queen’s death.

A national minute’s silence will be held, the PM will have a 6pm audience with the new King Charles, whose succession is codenamed Operation Spring Tide.

The Queen’s coffin will lie in state for public viewing before her funeral.

Allaying any concerns about the monarch, insiders say she remains in good health and the document’s leak doesn’t mean there’s been a change in her wellbeing.

The Sun understands the plan, which is regularly updated, is several months old.

A source said: “The Government has extensive plans and it is only right that we do so.

“It is the responsibility of any government to keep plans constantly updated.”


The Palace has not publicly commented – although there’s understood to be uproar at the leak.

A series of new details are believed to have been added to the document to reflect the pandemic.

Officials say they’re worried about how many people will head to London, while there are concerns about a shortage of stewards to manage crowds.

Contingencies will also have to be made because of Covid, the papers reveal.

However, there won’t be an extra bank holiday and the Government won’t order companies to give staff the day off.


The Queen, meanwhile, is likely to be cheerfully ignoring the press as she enjoys a well-deserved summer break in Balmoral for the first time since her beloved husband’s death.

She’s set to host Boris Johnson, his wife Carrie and the couple’s son Wilf this weekend.

Flags will fly at half-mast after the monarch's death is announced, the documents reveal

Flags will fly at half-mast after the monarch’s death is announced, the documents reveal

Every detail of the 10 days between the announcement and the state funeral at Westminster has been leaked

Every detail of the 10 days between the announcement and the state funeral at Westminster has been leakedCredit: Alamy

And palace aides are on the warpath as a mole hunt begins - with sources stressing the Queen is in good health and enjoying her summer holidays

And palace aides are on the warpath as a mole hunt begins – with sources stressing the Queen is in good health and enjoying her summer holidays