American Idol winner’s claims of ‘humming’ in the womb doubted by fans

American Idol' Winner Abi Carter Makes Her Billboard Debut

American Idol’s newest champion Abi Carter claims to have a surprising pre-birth talent.

Newly crowned American Idol champion, Abi Carter, recently revealed a surprising talent that emerged before her birth.

The 21-year-old singer, who beat out Will Moseley for the win, shared on Live with Kelly and Mark that she was making music in the womb.

During an ultrasound appointment, her mother, Andrea, heard Abi “singing” within her.

This revelation intrigued Kelly Ripa, who had never heard of such a thing.

“I’d never heard of this before this segment, but you actually were humming in utero?” Kelly asked her.

Abi Carter AI

Abi Carter beat out Will Moseley to win season 22 of American Idol (Image: ABC)

Abi described an unusual prenatal event during her mother’s ultrasound.

“Fun fact,” she began: “When my mom was pregnant with me she went in for an ultrasound. And the doctor was listening for a heartbeat and he takes off his headphones and puts them down and says, ‘Andrea, you need to listen to this. I don’t even know what I’m hearing, it sounds like whale sounds — she’s singing in your stomach,'” recounted Abi.

She also added that upon researching, she found out that it’s not unheard of for babies to exhibit singing-like sounds in the womb.

The revelation of Abi’s prenatal singing sparked various reactions online, particularly on Reddit.

Skepticism was a common theme, with one user expressing: “I have some doubts,” pointing out the biological improbability, “You need air to hum and/or sing. And working lungs. Babies don’t actually start breathing until after they’re born.”

Yet, some defended the possibility, suggesting: “It’s possible. Babies respond to stimuli and cry while in the womb.”

Another clarified the technical capability: “You can’t normally hear the sounds babies make in utero, but with an ultrasound it is possible. A fetal Doppler monitor is an ultrasound device.”

Abi Katy Selfie

Abi scored a selfie with outgoing judge Katy Perry (Image: ABC)

The development of a child in the womb is a fascinating and complex process.

Research supports the possibility of prenatal responses to sound, indicating that babies can react to music as early as 16 weeks into gestation.

Research, including a 2016 study by Dr. Marisa Lopez-Teijon, has shown that babies can respond to and even “sing” along with music as early as 16 weeks.

Abi’s story exemplifies how musical inclination can develop before birth.