Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese recounts how Dolly Parton’s luxury tour buses almost got her banned from touring the country and how he made sure the tour went ahead.

Dolly Parton

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has detailed in a new interview how he saved Dolly Parton’s 2011 tour .

Speaking to ABC Radio last Friday, Albanese recounted how singer Jolene’s luxury tour buses almost got her banned from touring the country. As transport minister at the time, he intervened and sent Dolly on her way.

“Dolly Parton doesn’t like flying around,” Albanese shared in an interview with ABC Radio.

Discussing customs and road authority issues with her tour bus, Albanese added: “So she had a bus that was bigger than the regulations and the officials said that It’s not allowed on the road in New South Wales and on the road in Australia, so I stepped in and said ‘for God’s sake, it should definitely be allowed to go from A to B on Dolly Parton’s bus’.”

At the time, cited customs as saying the buses were too big and the roads authority referring to the issue of open access to traffic (vehicles made in and for the United States). States).

Albanese continued, “I got to look inside, it was a little more like a bus, she basically lived there. It was quite luxurious but longer and wider than a normal bus here, so I intervened when the federal transport minister and her tour continued.”

Albanese later met Parton and attended her performance in Homebush, New South Wales, which he called “amazing”. “She was a great entertainer and happy birthday Dolly.”

Parton at the time thanked Albanese for ensuring she could tour on her bus. She said, “It was so kind of him to make sure we got my bus here… Now, I don’t know if he’s here today, but if he is, you can come up here, and I will smear lip gloss all over you!