To ensure absolute safety for Emma Watson, the female bodyguard dressed up as a female student, wearing a graduation gown, closely following the famous young actress.

Emma Watson, the actress who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie , was one of 2,000 students to receive a diploma at Brown University on May 25. She shared on the social networking site Twitter a photo of her wearing a cap and gown on her graduation day.


The bodyguard is always close to Emma, ​​revealing his gun when he takes off his robe

The bodyguard is always close to Emma, ​​revealing his gun when he takes off his robe

As soon as the series of photos of Emma spread, many observant netizens discovered that next to this actress there was always a “classmate” with a stern face, not like a student but dressed like one. When Emma went to receive her diploma, this “classmate” was also next to her. Then, when leaving school, this “classmate” took off her coat, revealing guns and many other tools to ensure Emma ‘s absolute safety . This is the close bodyguard of this young actress.

Previously, Emma Watson was proud that she was always at peace while studying at Brown . She participated in a number of student activities at school but never had any pictures leaked out. Emma had never even been asked for an autograph on campus.





If it’s so peaceful, the fact that a bodyguard in disguise and carrying a gun is next to this beauty makes the online community wonder if it’s too ostentatious. However, some people believe that Emma is still a celebrity so protection is necessary. The bodyguard pretending to be her classmate to escort her is also Emma’s way of respecting her friends, not wanting to show off.

Emma Watson graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature from the Ivy League university in Rhode Island. This beauty began studying at Brown University in 2009, this was also the year she appeared on the Guinness Book of Records list of highest-grossing actresses of the decade. During her time in college, Emma also participated in many movies: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, Noah…