‘Coach K’ Mike Krzyzewski Names 2 Most Competitive Players In NBA History

'Coach K' Mike Krzyzewski Names 2 Most Competitive Players In NBA History

‘Coach K’ Mike Krzyzewski has had the opportunity to work with some of the biggest names in all of basketball.

Because of that, he has a unique insight that few can compete with. There is a reason he said what he said about Kyrie Irving not long ago and has had such an interesting history within the sport.

During a recent appearance on The Dan Patrick Show, Coach K opened up about who he views as the two most competitive players in NBA history.

In his estimation it was Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan and all-time Los Angeles Lakers great Kobe Bryant.

“I think they’re probably two of the most similar great players in the history of our game,” he said.

“They were just super talented, but they were also incredibly prepared. I don’t think anybody was more competitive than those two guys.”

Coach K didn’t stop there, though.

“That was their personality all the time,” he continued.

“When they were on the court and it meant something, whether in practice or in a game, they were all business. They wanted to be great, not just good. They wanted to win, and they wanted moments – they were never afraid of them.”

Coach K’s time with Bryant on Team USA really drove home for him how truly competitive he was.

“I knew that more about Kobe because he was on two of our teams, and I was the head coach,” he continued.

“If it was a tough moment, he smiled like, ‘All right, this is what I prepared for. That other stuff was pretty easy, but this is what makes me.’ And he came through all the time.”

It’s hard to argue with Coach K. Jordan and Bryant were cut from a different cloth. They don’t make NBA players like that anymore.