Uncovering Photographs and Testimonies of the Pascagoula UFO Encounter: Continuing the Legacy of the Pascagoula River Incident in UFO Lore

New Evidence Emerges 50 Years After  Pascagoula UFO Encounter

In a remarkable alien abduction account that has gained significant credibility, new evidence has surfaced half a century after the Pascagoula UFO incident on Mississippi’s Pascagoula River.

Fishermen Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson reported an extraordinary encounter on October 11th, 1973, involving a peculiar craft, flashing blue lights, and otherworldly beings. Recently, UFO researchers have unveiled never-before-seen photographs showcasing the injuries sustained by the fishermen, bolstering their testimonies and providing unprecedented evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.

During that fateful evening, 19-year-old Calvin Parker, on his first day of a new job, joined his colleague Charles Hickson, 42, on a fishing trip. Their tranquil outing took a terrifying turn when they witnessed flashing blue lights and an oval-shaped craft hovering near them.

Three humanoid beings, approximately five feet tall, emerged from the enigmatic craft. They had pale wrinkled skin, moved robotically, and possessed peculiar features such as slit-like mouths and carrot-like growths resembling eyes and ears. The beings had lobster-like claws and a single leg each, reminiscent of elephantine feet.

The men claimed to have been paralyzed by an unknown force and were subsequently taken inside the UFO, where they underwent extensive physical examinations.

Emergence of Physical Evidence

One of the most compelling elements of the Pascagoula UFO encounter is the physical evidence found on the bodies of Parker and Hickson. Dr. James Harder, an engineering professor and UFO enthusiast, examined the men shortly after their alleged abduction.

Dr. Harder’s report documented puncture-like marks on Charles Hickson’s left arm, where the skin appeared to have been penetrated as if by a needle-like device. Circular sections of the epidermis were removed at these puncture points. Calvin Parker also had similar puncture-type marks on the inside of his foot. No other marks or rashes were found on their bodies.

UFO researchers argue that these injuries serve as physical evidence that supports the fishermen’s accounts, while debunking skeptics’ claims that it was a fabrication or hallucination.

Unprecedented Evidence Supporting the Existence of Extraterrestrial Life

Philip Mantle, a highly experienced UFO researcher, considers the Pascagoula case to be the most credible encounter he has come across. He obtained never-before-seen photographs of the injuries and various documents related to the incident, including Dr. Harder’s report.

Mantle and fellow researcher Dr. Irene Scott uncovered these pieces of evidence from archives maintained by UFO groups, such as the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). They also conducted extensive interviews with Calvin Parker, who unfortunately passed away last month at the age of 69.

Mantle emphasized the significance of the small cuts found on the men’s arms, feet, and legs, stating that they could not have been caused by encounters with thickets or rough surfaces during their fishing trip. This observation challenges skeptics’ explanations and lends further weight to the notion that extraterrestrial involvement was indeed responsible for the injuries.

The Investigation and Tests

Following their encounter, Parker and Hickson initially wanted to keep their story private. However, they eventually reported it to local authorities, leading to interviews with law enforcement officials. Transcripts of these interviews reveal the genuine terror experienced by the fishermen.

The men underwent various tests, including radiation testing that yielded negative results. While critics argue that the negative radiation test weakens the case, other tests and a plethora of witness testimony support their accounts. The credibility of these witnesses has been highlighted by researchers.

Both men also underwent polygraph tests, voice stress tests, and hypnosis sessions. They provided consistent and credible accounts of their experiences, corroborated by numerous witnesses.

The Ongoing Debate

Despite the passage of five decades, skeptics continue to label the  Pascagoula UFO encounter as a hoax. However, Mantle remains undeterred and firmly believes that the evidence he has compiled should be taken seriously. He acknowledges the importance of skepticism within the UFO community and invites those who doubt the claims to read the evidence presented in his book, “Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction.”

As the debate persists, the Pascagoula UFO mystery remains an enduring enigma, providing a chilling account of a close encounter that remains unexplained to this day.