German Flak Towers had 3.5 Metre Thick Walls

During the Second World War, Nazi Germany constructed a series of formidable anti-aircraft defence structures known as Flak Towers. These massive concrete buildings were designed to protect key cities from Allied bombing raids.

Each tower served as a robust anti-aircraft artillery platform, command centre, and air raid shelter for civilians. Their strategic importance and architectural might made them a crucial element in Germany’s defensive efforts.

The Strategic Role of Flak Towers

Flak Towers played a pivotal role in Nazi Germany’s air defence strategy during World War II. The strategic deployment of these towers aimed to create a formidable shield over key urban and industrial centres.


By concentrating anti-aircraft artillery within these massive structures, the German military sought to counteract the overwhelming air superiority of the Allied forces and protect critical infrastructure from devastating bombings.

The 'G-Tower' at Augarten, Vienna. The top of the 'L-Tower' is visible to the right.The ‘G-Tower’ at Augarten, Vienna. The top of the ‘L-Tower’ is visible to the right. Photo credit – C.Stadler/Bwag CC BY-SA 4.0.

The placement of Flak Towers in cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Vienna was no coincidence. These cities housed vital military, industrial, and governmental facilities essential to the German war effort.

In Berlin, the towers guarded the capital’s political and administrative heart, protecting key government buildings and communication hubs.

In Hamburg, a major port and industrial centre, the towers safeguarded shipyards, factories, and supply depots crucial for the war economy. Vienna’s towers defended important industrial sites and transportation links that were vital for the movement of troops and supplies.

Each Flak Tower complex, consisting of a G-Tower and an L-Tower, formed a highly coordinated defensive unit. The G-Towers, armed with heavy anti-aircraft guns, provided the primary firepower.

Deadly Weapons

These guns had a range of up to 14 kilometres and could engage enemy bombers at altitudes exceeding 10,000 meters. The concentrated fire from multiple towers created dense flak barrages, effectively forming an aerial minefield that enemy bombers had to navigate.

The L-Towers played a crucial role in directing this firepower. Equipped with advanced radar systems, rangefinders, and fire control computers, the L-Towers calculated precise firing solutions for the G-Towers’ guns.

These systems could track enemy aircraft, determine their speed and altitude, and predict their flight paths. The coordinated fire from multiple G-Towers, guided by the L-Towers’ targeting information, maximized the effectiveness of the anti-aircraft defences.

The strategic arrangement of Flak Towers within the cities also created overlapping fields of fire. This networked defence system ensured that any enemy aircraft approaching a city would come under fire from multiple towers simultaneously.

A 12.8cm FlaK 40 and its crew.A 12.8cm FlaK 40 and its crew.

By forcing enemy bombers to higher altitudes to avoid the intense flak, the towers reduced the accuracy of bombing runs, thereby minimizing damage to critical targets on the ground.

Design and Construction

Architect Friedrich Tamms and engineer Leo Winkel spearheaded the architectural and structural design of these towers. They conceived the G-Towers and L-Towers to function as an integrated defensive unit.


The G-Towers, or Gefechtstürme, focused on combat operations. Standing around 40 meters high, these towers featured a square footprint with sides measuring approximately 70 meters.

Their thick concrete walls, up to 3.5 meters, and ceilings reinforced with steel beams ensured resilience against bomb blasts and direct hits.

The G-Towers accommodated multiple levels, each serving distinct operational purposes. The ground and intermediate floors housed ammunition storage, crew quarters, and operational rooms, while the roof platform held the anti-aircraft batteries.

These batteries typically included eight 128mm FlaK 40 guns, capable of firing 10 to 12 rounds per minute. This setup enabled the G-Towers to unleash a continuous barrage of anti-aircraft fire, providing a formidable defence against high-altitude bombers.

L Towers

Complementing the G-Towers, the L-Towers, or Leittürme, served as fire control centres. Although slightly smaller, standing around 35 meters high, L-Towers were equally robust, with similarly thick concrete walls and reinforced structures. Their primary function was to direct the fire from the G-Towers accurately.

To achieve this, L-Towers housed advanced radar equipment, optical rangefinders, and electro-mechanical fire control computers. The Würzburg radar system, for instance, could detect and track enemy aircraft up to 40 kilometres away, feeding crucial targeting data to the G-Towers’ gunners.

The construction of Flak Towers commenced under immense pressure, with rapid execution being a top priority. Forced labour, primarily from occupied territories, played a significant role in the construction process, working alongside German engineers and military personnel.

The use of forced labourers from concentration camps and prisoner-of-war facilities highlighted the brutal realities of the war and the regime’s ruthless exploitation of human resources.

Concrete, the primary material for the towers, had to be produced and transported in vast quantities. The construction sites operated around the clock, with workers pouring concrete into massive wooden moulds to form thick walls and floors.


The urgency of the war effort necessitated innovative techniques to speed up construction, such as using pre-fabricated elements and employing specialized machinery for lifting and positioning heavy components.

The L & G-Towers in Augarten, Vienna. Photo credit - Gerald Zojer CC BY-SA 3.0.The L & G-Towers in Augarten, Vienna. Photo credit – Gerald Zojer CC BY-SA 3.0.

Internal Design

Each tower’s internal layout reflected meticulous attention to operational efficiency and defence. The lower floors included storage areas for vast amounts of ammunition and supplies, ensuring sustained operations during prolonged air raids.

Crew quarters, located on intermediate levels, provided space for the soldiers manning the towers, complete with sleeping areas, mess halls, and medical facilities. These provisions allowed for the continuous presence of military personnel, ready to respond to any threat at a moment’s notice.

The topmost levels of the G-Towers featured open platforms where the anti-aircraft guns were mounted. These platforms offered a wide field of fire, allowing the guns to target aircraft approaching from any direction.

The arrangement of the guns in a radial pattern maximized coverage and firing efficiency. Protective parapets and armoured shelters for the gun crews ensured their safety during intense bombardments, enabling them to maintain their defensive operations even under direct attack.

The L-Towers, with their radar and fire control equipment, featured observation decks and enclosed operational rooms. These spaces housed the radar operators and fire control officers, who worked in concert to track enemy aircraft and coordinate the G-Towers’ fire.

Communication lines linked the towers, facilitating real-time data exchange and strategic coordination.

Were Flak Towers Effective?

Each Flak Tower complex formed a central node in an integrated air defence network. The G-Towers, with their heavy anti-aircraft artillery, created dense flak barrages that covered wide swathes of airspace. These barrages consisted of explosive shells designed to detonate at predetermined altitudes, scattering shrapnel that posed a deadly threat to aircraft.

The intensity of the fire forced enemy bombers to higher altitudes, thereby reducing their bombing accuracy and limiting the damage they could inflict on German cities and industrial targets.

Despite the formidable defences provided by the Flak Towers, the Allies adapted their tactics to mitigate their impact. Bomber formations began flying at higher altitudes and adopting more evasive flight paths to avoid the flak barrages.

Germany was subject to huge day and nighttime bombing raids. The Flak towers were an attempt to defend against these attacks.Germany was subject to huge day and nighttime bombing raids. The Flak Towers were an attempt to defend against these attacks.

They also intensified their bombing campaigns, deploying larger numbers of bombers in concentrated waves to overwhelm the defences.

Additionally, advancements in bombing technology, such as the development of more precise targeting systems, allowed for more effective strikes against the towers and their surrounding infrastructure.


Challenges for the Allies

However, the Flak Towers’ presence still complicated Allied bombing missions. The psychological impact on Allied aircrews was significant.

Knowing they had to navigate through the deadly flak fields created by these towers added a layer of stress and danger to their missions.

The towers forced Allied planners to allocate more resources to countering the anti-aircraft threat, diverting attention from other strategic objectives.

The operational effectiveness of the Flak Towers also extended beyond their anti-aircraft capabilities. They served as command and control centres for broader air defence operations, coordinating with other anti-aircraft batteries and fighter interceptors.

The towers’ communication systems facilitated real-time information exchange, enhancing the overall responsiveness and coordination of Germany’s air defenses. This networked approach allowed for more efficient deployment of defensive assets, optimising the coverage and effectiveness of the air defence system.

The three different types of G Towers.The three different types of G Towers.

The presence of Flak Towers in major cities also provided a morale boost for the German population. These imposing structures symbolized resilience and protection, reinforcing the notion that the regime was taking active measures to defend its citizens.

During air raids, thousands of civilians sought refuge in the towers’ deep basements, which were designed to withstand bomb blasts. This dual role as both defensive fortresses and civilian shelters highlighted the multifaceted operational effectiveness of the Flak Towers.

Civilian Shelters

Each Flak Tower could accommodate thousands of civilians, offering safety from the aerial bombardment that wrought destruction across many German cities.

The shelters were located in the lower levels and deep basements of the towers, protected by thick concrete walls and reinforced ceilings capable of withstanding direct hits from bombs. This robust construction ensured that the civilians within remained safe even when the towers themselves were under heavy attack.

The shelter areas were meticulously planned to provide not just safety but also a semblance of normalcy and comfort amidst the chaos. The rooms were outfitted with benches and bunks, allowing people to sit or lie down during air raids, which could sometimes last for hours.

Basic sanitary facilities, including toilets and washbasins, were installed to maintain hygiene and reduce the risk of disease in crowded conditions. Ventilation systems ensure a supply of fresh air, crucial for preventing suffocation and maintaining morale.

The Heiligengeistfeld Flak Tower in 2006.The Heiligengeistfeld G-Tower in 2006.

Medical facilities within the towers were another critical aspect of the civilian shelters. These included first aid stations staffed by medical personnel who could treat injuries sustained during air raids.

The medical rooms were stocked with supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, and other essential medical equipment. This readiness allowed for immediate response to any casualties, ensuring that the injured received prompt care.

Food and water supplies were also stored within the Flak Towers to sustain the civilians during prolonged stays. These provisions included canned goods, bread, and other non-perishable items, along with large water tanks.

The goal was to prepare for scenarios where people might need to remain sheltered for extended periods, particularly if the surrounding area was heavily damaged and immediate evacuation was not possible.

Psychological Impact

The psychological impact of the shelters within the Flak Towers was profound. Knowing there was a secure refuge during air raids reassured the civilian population. The towers symbolised protection and resilience, bolstering morale even as the war’s devastation escalated.


Families brought personal belongings to make their temporary refuge more bearable, fostering a community atmosphere.

Shelter space was well-organized, with entrance procedures to manage the flow of people efficiently, preventing panic and overcrowding. Designated shelter wardens, often community volunteers, maintained order and provided assistance.

A G tower Flak Tower being built in 1942.A G tower Flak Tower being built in 1942.

They guided civilians to designated areas, distributed food and water, and enforced shelter rules.

Using Flak Towers as shelters had strategic implications. Providing secure places for civilians allowed the authorities to maintain normalcy and continue wartime production.

Workers could take refuge during bombings and quickly return to their posts, minimizing downtime in factories and essential facilities. This continuity was vital for sustaining the war effort.

However, life inside the shelters was challenging. Crowded conditions led to stress and anxiety, especially during prolonged raids.

The constant noise of anti-aircraft guns and bombs added to the tension. Despite provisions for comfort and safety, the psychological toll of repeated air raids was significant, with families huddled together in fear, deeply feeling the horrors of war.


In the immediate aftermath of World War II, the victorious Allied forces faced the challenge of dealing with the Flak Towers. These structures, deeply embedded in the urban fabric of cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Vienna, presented a dilemma.

Their robust construction, with walls up to 3.5 meters thick, made demolition a daunting and expensive task. In many cases, the Allies opted to leave the towers standing, partially due to the immense difficulty of removing them and partially because of the sheer scale of reconstruction needed elsewhere in war-ravaged Europe.

Berlin’s Flak Towers, for instance, presented significant challenges for demolition. Efforts to demolish the Zoo Tower, located in the Berlin Zoo, resulted in extensive damage to the surrounding area without completely destroying the structure.

The sheer amount of explosives required to dismantle these fortresses posed safety risks and logistical difficulties. Consequently, many of the towers in Berlin were left in place, becoming imposing relics of the past.

In Hamburg, similar challenges arose. The city, heavily bombed during the war, required substantial rebuilding efforts, and resources were often directed towards more immediate needs.

New Uses

Some of the Flak Towers were partially demolished, while others remained intact, gradually being absorbed into the urban environment. Over time, these structures began to find new uses, reflecting the city’s changing landscape and needs.

Vienna offers perhaps the most varied and imaginative reuse of Flak Towers. In the post-war period, the city repurposed several of its towers for civilian applications. The tower in the Esterhazy Park, for example, was converted into the Haus des Meeres, an aquarium and public attraction.

This transformation not only preserved the historical significance of the structure but also integrated it into the city’s cultural and recreational life. Another tower in Vienna was turned into a data centre, capitalizing on its solid construction and security features to house sensitive information and technology infrastructure.

A tower in Vienna now used as a climbing wall. Photo credit - Joanna Merson CC BY-SA 4.0.A tower in Vienna now used as a climbing wall. Photo credit – Joanna Merson CC BY-SA 4.0.

The preservation and adaptation of these towers in Vienna highlight a broader trend towards recognizing the historical and architectural value of the Flak Towers. As time passed, attitudes towards these structures evolved.

What was once seen as grim reminders of a dark chapter in history became viewed as important historical artefacts and opportunities for creative reuse. This shift allowed for a reconciliation of the towers’ wartime past with contemporary urban needs.

In addition to practical reuses, some Flak Towers have become historical and educational sites. In Berlin, for instance, the Humboldthain Flak Tower has been partially excavated and opened to the public.


Guided tours allow visitors to explore the interior of the tower, providing insights into its construction, wartime role, and the experiences of those who sought shelter within its walls. These tours serve as a poignant reminder of the war’s impact on the city and its inhabitants, fostering a deeper understanding of history