Exрlore Pomрeii’s Fаmous Herіtage аt the Houѕton Muѕeum of Nаturаl Sсienсe

Human bodies created by filling liquid plaster from the outside into the gaps created by the disappearance of the bodies of people who died in the city of Pompeii, are exhibited at Houston Museum of Natural Science. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., the city of Pompeii was destroyed within 24 hours. Pompeii and its citizens were buried under 12 feet of ash and stone, and forgotten. It was just 250 years ago that the city was rediscovered. Since then, archaeologists have worked to unearth the people, buildings and artifacts of their daily lives.

Have you ever imagined embarking on a journey back in time to the ancient land of Pompeii? At the Houston Museum of Natural Science, you have a wonderful opportunity to discover the unique heritage of Pompeii, all within the bustling city of Houston.

The miraculous moments of an ancient civilization are vividly recreated through unique artworks, archaeological artifacts, and notably, distinctive sculptures crafted using the most advanced archaeological techniques. The museum currently showcases Pompeii’s crystal-clear artworks, creating a timeless glimpse into the lives of its inhabitants frozen in the ash of Mount Vesuvius.