“The Marksman” released in 2021 is the latest work of famous action movie actor Liam Neeson. However, at the age of 69, the burden of age shows that Liam Neeson is no longer in form and weak in fighting and chasing scenes.

The Marksman Review: Liam Neeson Goes Full Clint Eastwood

Therefore, what remains with the audience when watching the movie is the meaning of an old man’s journey to protect a child from the mafia who is losing his purpose in life.

The film tells the story of Jim Hanson, a retired Marine who lives alone on a farm in southern Arizona, near the Mexican border. When he witnessed the escape of a Mexican mother and son who were being chased by the smuggling mafia and had to cross the border to escape to the US, Jim heroically protected them.

However, when the two sides exchanged gunfire, the mother was shot. Before she died, she asked Jim to take her son to her family in Chicago, in exchange for him receiving a large amount of money to pay off the bank loan. . From here, the arduous journey of an old man and a child begins…

The Marksman (2021)

Unlike the previous famous “Taken” series, in this film, Liam Neeson becomes a “prey” fleeing the mafia’s hunt. Perhaps Liam Neeson’s age and health limitations caused the screenwriter to focus on character psychology and minimize action scenes.

The character Jim Hanson is in dire straits when the bank debt is due, has to sell the farm’s cattle cheaply and run everywhere. In addition to the death of his wife and his daughter living alone, loneliness made him addicted to alcohol and depressed about his current life.


Therefore, the appearance of mother and son and the responsibility of protecting the child to bring to Chicago served as a driving force to revive the old man’s life.


At first, Jim did it for the money and was partly saddened by the woman’s death; But later, when he and the boy went through many hardships and opened their hearts to understand each other better, he realized that this life had more valuable things than money and he protected the boy with a sense of responsibility and compassion. noble love.

He even burned the illegal money that the mafia was looking for. When he saw the boy safely returned to the arms of his relatives, Jim was satisfied and quietly returned.

The film’s plot line and message are quite clear, easy to watch, and easy to understand. However, as the film progresses, the plot becomes slower and the situations do not have enough weight.

The chase and action scenes are scattered and unattractive. Jim mainly uses his sniper skills to defeat opponents. The hand-to-hand combat scenes show that the actor’s form is no longer the same as before. In addition, some illogical details make “The Marksman” less attractive than previous films starring Liam.