Exclusive: ‘Demonic’ Taylor Swift accused of ‘promoting the devil’ by Boyzone’s Shane Lynch…

Exclusive: 'Demonic' Taylor Swift accused of 'promoting the devil' by Boyzone's Shane Lynch...


Boyzone star Shane Lynch has come under fire for his odd rant about Taylor Swift in which she claimed she is “promoting the devil”.


Exclusive: 'Demonic' Taylor Swift accused of 'promoting the devil' by Boyzone's Shane Lynch...
Swift, 34, is currently touring the world as part of her Eras Tour but Lynch reckons she is using her status to promote “satanic rituals”. Speaking on the Premier Christian Radio podcast, the 47-year-old Dubliner claimed the music world can be bad for people, reports the Irish Mirror.

He said: “I think when you’re looking at a lot of the artists out there, a lot of their stage shows are Satanic rituals live in front of 20,000 people without them realising and recognising. You’ll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies.”

He continued: “Even down to Taylor Swift – one of the biggest artists in the world – you watch one of her shows and she has two or three different demonic rituals to do with the pentagrams on the ground, to do with all sorts of stuff on her stage.”

However, Lynch faced backlash for the comments from Swift’s legion of fans online. One person said: “Mendacity and nonsense from Lynch.” While another person added: “This is absolutely ridiculous!”

Swift has been previously been accused of “invoking the devil” before with her famous hand signal that looks like horns. But fans claim the hand sign really means “I love you”.

Shane, who runs the Amen fashion line his wife Sheena of Real Housewives Of Cheshire fame, also said other singers are a bit “satanic”. He took aim at big names, including Sam Smith and Beyonce who he said were “so demonic it’s unbelievable”.

He said: “From your Sam Smiths to your Doja Cats to your Beyonces, they are so demonic it’s unbelievable. And it’s in front of us. We kind of go: ‘Oh, it’s just music.’ But it really isn’t. It’s absolutely taking over the world, taking over our children and taking over everything. That’s what they’re doing. They’re glorifying Satan.”