Britney Spears has revealed that she’s been “very sick” for the past two months. The 42-year-old pop icon took to Instagram late on Sunday night to share her health struggles,


explaining that she’s been battling a persistent cold and has tried to fight it off with coffee and antibiotics.

She posted on the social media platform: “I’ve been sick for two months with a stupid cold … I had it before Mexico and I’m very nasally and congested in my nose, it sucks. lime

It went away when I first got back home, but came back yesterday … I got a Z-Pak and I’m hoping it goes away.


I constantly feel a little tired like I want to go to sleep and things are fuzzy … so I started drinking coffee and it helps a bit but not much.”


Earlier this month, the …Baby One More Time singer – who regained control of her multimillion-dollar estate


and various aspects of her life when a conservatorship overseen by her immediate family was ended in November 2021 – suffered an injury after falling at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles. She confessed that the incident has made her “scared” of the outside world, leading her to become somewhat of a recluse. lime

She added: “I’m scared of the outside world because god forbid I break a foot and someone calls an ambulance so I don’t go out much.”

Britney Spears was recently embroiled in rumours of a clash with her alleged partner, Paul Richard Soliz, on the night she sustained a foot injury. lime


The pop icon was seen exiting the Chateau Marmont barefoot and in just her underwear, receiving medical attention. However, the singer later clarified that the injury was due to a mishap.

On Instagram, Britney posted a video showcasing her swollen ankle and shared: “I really twisted my ankle last night like an idiot – just to show proof. It’s so bad … Idiot here tries to do a leap in the living room of the Chateau and I fell – embarrassed myself – and that’s it.”Privacy Policy

She added that paramedics were called to the scene, creating a spectacle she deemed unnecessary: “Paramedics came to my door immediately. Of course, caused this huge scene, which was so unnecessary and all I needed was ice.”

Britney concluded by acknowledging the severity of her injury but downplayed it with a casual remark: “It is actually pretty bad but [stuff] happens.”
Britney Spears’ recent health struggles have caused her to feel “very sick” for the past two months. The pop icon revealed on Instagram that she has been dealing with a persistent cold, leading to nasal congestion and fatigue. Despite trying coffee and antibiotics to combat the illness, she has been feeling tired and fuzzy. lime

In addition to her health issues, Britney also suffered an injury after falling at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles. The incident has made her fearful of the outside world, expressing concerns about the possibility of needing medical attention if she were to get hurt again. lime
This fear has led her to become more of a recluse, avoiding going out as much as possible.

Recently, there were rumors circulating about Britney’s alleged clash with her partner, Paul Richard Soliz, on the night of her injury. However, she clarified on social media that the injury was actually due to a mishap while attempting a leap in her living room.

Despite the seriousness of her swollen ankle, Britney downplayed the situation and expressed frustration over the unnecessary commotion caused by the paramedics who responded to the incident. lime
It’s clear that Britney Spears has been facing both physical and emotional challenges in recent months. Fans continue to show their support for the pop icon as she navigates through these difficult times. Stay tuned for more updates on Britney’s journey and other important information in the entertainment world. lime
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