Patrick Beverley angered ESPN’s upper echelons after disrespecting esteemed female field producer in the dressing rooms

Patrick BeverleyLAPRESSE

Milwaukee Bucks’ Patrick Beverley is no stranger to controversy but his actions during and after the Playoff elimination against the Indiana Pacers has gotten him banned from ESPN. There was a time in which the NBA polarizing star collaborated in multiple NBA shows but that will no longer happen due to what he just did.

Everything was picked up on camera and the reactions against him were immediate. As reporters were trying to ask him questions, Beverley told ESPN field producer Malinda Adams he wouldn’t answer her questions because she wasn’t subscribed to his podcast. Moments after that, he rudely commanded her to get the microphone Adams was holding away from him. Journalists who remain respectful with athletes deserve to be treated equally. Beverley just learned this the hard way.

Patrick Beverley apologizes to Malinda Adams

Milwaukee Bucks’ Patrick Beverley is no stranger to controversy but his actions during and after the Playoff elimination against the Indiana Pacers has gotten him banned from ESPN. There was a time in which the NBA polarizing star collaborated in multiple NBA shows but that will no longer happen due to what he just did. Everything was picked up on camera and the reactions against him were immediate. As reporters were trying to ask him questions, Beverley told ESPN field producer Malinda Adams he wouldn’t answer her questions because she wasn’t subscribed to his podcast. Moments after that, he rudely commanded her to get the microphone Adams was holding away from him. Journalists who remain respectful with athletes deserve to be treated equally. Beverley just learned this the hard way.

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Patrick Beverley apologizes to Malinda Adams

Initially, Beverley got into a heated argument with fans who went after him on the X platform. However, he quickly changed his tune and ESPN insiders confirmed he apologized to the producer less than 24 hours after the incident. Adams also confirmed the apology on his X account with a gracious message directed at Patrick Beverley: “I appreciate it and accept it. The Bucks also reached out to apologize. I’ve been in news for over 40 years and kindness and grace always win.” Still, Front Office Sports reported that ESPN has banned Patrick Beverley from any further appearances in the network.

Patrick Beverley also attacked a Pacers fan

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But despite this apology, ESPN still decided to ban Beverley from any future interaction with him due to his overall conduct. During the most recent game against the Indiana Pacers, there is video of Patrick hitting a Pacers fan with a basketball. Allegedly, the fan was provoking him by telling him he would go to Cancun after this defeat. Beverley coun’t take the banter and attacked the fan. If the NBA finds he violated a rule, there are good chances a long suspension is coming for the player. Hopefully, this entire ordeal helps Beverley learn valuable lessons.