Novak Djokovic broke down in tears as he publicly revealed his wife Jelena’s health problems, including a recent appendectomy. His emotional reaction reflected his deep concern and concern for the well-being of his beloved wife. His tears were genuine and filled with compassion as he shared intimate details about their family’s struggle with the public.



Slobodna Dalmacija - Novak je tvrdio da se zagađena voda emocijama može  transformirati u pitku, odgađao je i operaciju vjerujući da će se sam  izliječiti. Ljubav prema pseudoznanosti promovira i Jelena, pobrojali


This moment of vulnerability revealed the human side of the tennis icon, showing that even the greatest champions have their own private battles to overcome. Đoković’s honesty and openness inspired support and sympathy around the world, while many expressed their support and wish for Jelena’s speedy recovery.

Jutarnji list - Šokantno svjedočenje Đokovićeve majke: 'Kad se Novak  probudio iz anestezije nešto mi je priznao...'

This public confession highlighted the importance of family support and connection in difficult times, reminding us that we are all human in our vulnerabilities and challenges.

Slobodna Dalmacija - Majka Novaka Đokovića priznala da je prekršila stroga  pravila nevjeste Jelene, i to prema djeci; očekuje se reakcija

Đoković’s reaction reminded us of the importance of empathy and compassion towards others, and reminded us that the love and support of family is extremely important in facing life’s challenges.

Novak Đoković u društvu supruge uživa u Pragu - tportal