Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his terminally ill wife

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his terminally ill wife

Star Jrue Holiday deserves praise not only on the football field but also as a husband.

Milwaukee Bucks won the well-deserved 2020/21 NBA season championship after 6 intense matches against the Phoenix Suns. In addition to superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo, Jrue Holiday is also one of the great contributors to the deer herd’s recent magical journey. But for the Los Angeles native himself, family is what he cherishes the most.

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 1.

The Milwaukee Bucks’ second NBA championship had a huge contribution from Jrue Holiday

“Maybe people don’t understand, but the things that really mean something to me are her and my little daughter.” Those were the first things Jrue Holiday shared with ESPN in a short report about the big turning point in his life in 2016. It was also that turning point that gave fans an affectionate look at the tight-lipped defender of New Orleans. Pelicans that day.

Jrue Holiday and Lauren Holiday first met when they both began studying at the prestigious UCLA university in 2008. He played for the most traditional basketball team in student sports while she played for the soccer team representing school. That day, Lauren’s best friend tried to get Jrue’s autograph because he mistook him for NBA player Darren Collison. After explaining to prepare for his seat, he heard his future wife’s voice from behind: “Don’t be sad, you look much cuter than Darren.”

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 2.

Lauren Holiday in the uniform of the UCLA women’s soccer team

From strangers, became friends. They truly admire each other for everything about the other. Even though they are both in separate relationships, they both seem to feel that this is the person who will be with them until the end. They started dating during the point guard’s rookie season at the Philadelphia 76ers.

Lauren Holiday is not inferior to her husband in terms of ability on the field. She is the backbone of the US team on the journey to conquer major milestones from two Olympic gold medals in 2008 and 2012 as well as the 2015 World Cup championship. The female midfielder has truly won everything a player can have. Can dream on green grass background. However, she still has special respect for her husband even though Jrue Holiday had not yet achieved basketball success.

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 3.

Lauren Holiday was a pillar of the US women’s soccer team in the past

On the contrary, Jrue Holiday also extremely respects his other half’s career. Lauren once said that she did not want to go full-time and considered her new career a top priority. But the lovely football player just smiled and placed complete faith that the woman in his life would soon return to the family. Indeed, Lauren Holiday announced her early retirement after winning the 2015 World Cup.

The wedding between the two in Malibu in 2013 seemed like it would become a beautiful ending for the love story of two admirable athletes. But no one learns the word doubt in life. When Lauren Holiday was three months pregnant with her first baby girl in 2016, she suddenly felt a headache she had never had before. Jrue Holiday received a call from his wife a day later to receive news that she had discovered a tumor in her brain.

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 4.

Jrue Holiday’s wife discovered a brain tumor while pregnant with their first child

The tumor sticking close to the skull of the former US team player really made the couple stunned because they were worried about the baby girl in her mother’s womb. Even though the mass is benign, having it stay in the mother’s head for half a year is a nightmare. However, the two decided that Lauren would still endure the tumor until she went into labor. The last five months of pregnancy were really difficult for the young couple.

At that time, Jrue Holiday completely left basketball to be there to ease his wife’s daily pain. This action received support from the entire New Orleans Pelicans team. Without her husband, Lauren probably would not have been able to endure the terrible pain that left her unable to walk and lose her hearing. Coach Alvin Gentry expressed his agreement with his student’s actions.

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 5.

Coach Alvin Gentry supports Jrue Holiday’s decision to temporarily leave basketball

“The most important thing for Jrue Holiday right now is his wife and family. All the coaches and players understand the pain and hardships Lauren and Jrue are going through. We fully support his decision to take a break from competition at this time. The whole team will always help the couple with everything they can.”

Little girl Jrue Tyler Holiday was born on September 20, 2016 with not only joy but also a lot of worry. Lauren burst into tears thinking about what Jrue’s life would be like if she had to lose both her and her first daughter at the same time: “As soon as I heard her cry, my thoughts only turned to her. How to keep her safe, how to keep her child. I will be the number two priority behind that.”

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 6.

Baby Jrue Tyler Holiday was a great source of encouragement for Lauren’s surgery

Baby Jrue Tyler Holiday was born 5 1/2 weeks premature and had to spend a week in the neonatal intensive care unit away from his parents. The joy of having a healthy baby back in her arms was a huge source of encouragement for Lauren before her surgery more than a month later.

After a 10-hour brain surgery, Lauren Holiday’s normally beautiful eyes lost their natural symmetry and she became completely deaf in her right ear. But the welcoming smiles of her husband and children and the return of life are the most important things to her. Perhaps at that moment Lauren understood how true the love and belief in the value of family inside Jrue Holiday was.

Jrue Holiday and his touching love story with his wife who has a serious illness - Photo 7.

Family is what Jrue Holiday cherishes most

Five years after that event, the Holiday family was no longer in the South. Not only that, they also welcomed a second boy, Hendricks, into their lives. Jrue Holiday now has his first NBA championship in hand. Half a decade witnessed many changes in people’s lives. However, all is not so important to Jrue Holiday because he has won the biggest reward of his life. Nothing but a happy home.

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