“Candace Owens Rejects ABC’s Stratospheric Offer to Revive ‘The View’

Recent reports have surfaced suggesting that ABC offered Candace Owens a staggering $150 million USD annually to revive ‘The View.’

Fact Check: ABC Offers Candace Owens $10 Million to Replace Whoopi Goldberg on 'The View'

However, our investigative journalists have uncovered that Owens actually turned down an even higher sum, along with a bonus of 15% of the show’s revenue for the first year upon signing.

Despite the immense financial temptation, Owens stood firm in her decision, emphasizing that her principles and integrity cannot be swayed by money.

Fans of the renowned commentator have rallied behind her, passionately voicing their support across various platforms. They argue that Owens’ steadfast refusal to compromise her values for financial gain speaks volumes about her character and integrity.”

J.Lo Reunites With Ben Affleck in Los Angeles After Getting “Breathing Room” on Vacation

Jennifer Lopez is back from an ultra glam European vacation, and it looks like she wasted no time reuniting with Ben Affleck (which seems like a positive development? potentially? maybe?).

According to the Daily Mail, Jennifer was spotted heading to Ben Affleck’s offices in Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 26.

As a reminder, the actor stayed home while J.Lo was in Europe, and was pictured both with and without his wedding ring. He was also filmed telling paparazzi (who were waiting outside the home he and Jennifer share) how dangerous it is to flash lights while he’s exiting his driveway.

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A source recently told Entertainment Tonight of Jennifer’s solo trip to Europe, “Jen loves vacationing in Europe during the summer. It’s been nice for her to experience a change of pace and have some breathing room. She has been having a blast with her friends. They love to go to fun dinners, have late nights, lay out in the sun, get dressed up, dance, and shop.”

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Marc Piasecki – Getty Images
J.Lo was also spotted enjoying Paris Fashion Week (looking flawless, as you can see ^), and tried to stay positive amid Ben’s absence. “That’s never really been Ben’s scene, even when him and Jen weren’t having any issues,” ET‘s source explained. “Jen isn’t letting the fact that Ben’s not there bring her down.”

Reminder that J.Lo and Ben have yet to speak out about the status of their relationship, but the singer/actor did go ahead and wish her husband happy Father’s Day a few weeks ago, calling him “our hero” while she was at it.

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