Whoopi Goldberg brought some much-needed levity to The View this morning after weeks of discussion about politics, current events and the upcoming election. Goldberg, who briefly traveled to the Vatican to visit the Pope last week before returning to the U.S., had her co-hosts in stitches with a story about her unhinged jet-lagged behavior.

Whoopi Goldberg Has 'The View' Cackling After Revealing Her Horrifying Jet Lag Snack: “Why Do These Taste So Bad?” | Decider

Goldberg began her tale with a disclaimer, insisting she “was not high” and had “nothing to drink” at the time of the incident.

“Perhaps I was a little more jet-lagged than I realized,” she admitted, before sharing her love for the “wonderful” snack Dot’s Pretzels — which she thought she’d dip into as a post-travel treat once she got home.

Goldberg said that sometimes the pretzels get broken up in the bag, but she still just shakes the pieces into her hand and eats the bits anyway. Unfortunately for her, there was another bag right next to the pretzel package that Goldberg wasn’t expecting to be there.

Her daughter had placed a bag of cat treats “right next to” the pretzels, Goldberg said, as the audience — who already began to suspect what was in store — let out a

“I pop up at 2 a.m., and I’m thinking, ‘Where am I? What country is it? Oh, the hell with it. I need some Dot’s.’ So I reach over and I pour some Dot’s in my hand and I put them in my mouth, and I’m chewing,” Goldberg recalled. “And I’m thinking, ‘Maybe they’re a little stale.’”

Sunny Hostin asked, “Did you think maybe there was a new flavor?” But Goldberg said the off-putting taste didn’t deter her — instead, it made her want to test out a the snack again.

“No, I just poured some more in!” she exclaimed. “I thought maybe I had bed mouth, ’cause sometimes you wake up and you put something in your mouth and you’re like, who is this?!”
Whoopi Goldberg on The View Photo: ABC

When it finally sunk in, Goldberg wondered, “Why do these taste so bad?” before finally taking a closer look at what she’d been eating.

“My eye finally opened a little bit, and in my hand was the Crabby Crab flavor Temptations [cat treats]. Now I just came from the Vatican, and I am eating Crabby Crab flavor Temptations,” Goldberg said as the audience roared with laughter.

Ana Navarro, not missing a beat, chimed in, “That shows you god has a sense of humor!”