Devil Fruits are one of the main power systems in One Piece, and they fall into three categories. Paramecia-type Devil Fruits are the most common, and they offer an array of superhuman abilities. Certain Paramecia Devil Fruits are incredibly strong, and one in particular has the power to destroy entire landmasses. Unfortunately, there are several Paramecia-type Devil Fruits that are inherently weak.

The weakest Paramecia tend to have no offensive upside, and they usually provide minimal defensive help. Some of these Paramecia can be useful in other ways, but most of them are essentially useless when it comes to direct combat. One Paramecia literally requires a second person in order for it to work, while another Paramecia is entirely dependent on an animal’s mood and trustworthiness.

10The Heal-Heal Fruit Has No Offensive Or Defensive Capabilities

First Used In Episode 714, “The Healing Princess — Save Mansherry!”


Princess Mansherry tears up while being held prisoner in One Piece's Dressrosa Arc. Mansherry Using Her Healing Tears To Heal A Dwarf Warrior In One Piece Mansherry is forced to heal a member of the Donquixote Pirates during One Piece's Dressrosa Arc. Mansherry produces a healing sunflower with her Heal-Heal Fruit during One Piece's Dressrosa Arc.

Best Technique: Chiyupopo
Known User: Mansherry

Like its name suggests, the Heal-Heal Fruit is a Paramecia that gives its user the ability to heal any type of injury or wound. The healing powers manifest inside the user’s tears, which means that the user can be forced to heal an enemy. In this instance, another enemy can simply hurt the user until they cry. The injured individual will return to perfect health once the tears touch their body.

The Heal-Heal Fruit can reattach limbs, but it cannot create new ones. It should also be noted that the user can create water in the palm of their hands with the same healing properties. The Heal-Heal Fruit is perfect for a doctor, but it is inherently weak during battle since it has no offensive or defensive abilities.

9The Time-Time Fruit Can Send People Forward In Time

First Used In Episode 910, “A Legendary Samurai – The Man Who Roger Admired!”


Toki's gives Wano hope prior to her death in One Piece. Toki uses the Time-Time Fruit to send Momonosuke and his retainers to the future in a One Piece flashback. Momonosuke and his group are transported to the future by the Time-Time Fruit in a One Piece flashback.
Toki arrives in Wano after using the Time-Time Fruit in a One Piece Flashback.

Best Technique: Unknown
Known User: Toki Kozuki

Most people would assume that the Time-Time Fruit can actually manipulate time itself, but that is not the case. Instead, the user has the power to travel forward in time, but it appears as though the maximum interval is 20 years. The user cannot go back in time, which means that they are stuck in whatever time period they travel to. This time jump happens instantly.

The Time-Time Fruit can also be used to send other people forward in time. This effect seems to work even if the individuals do not want to be sent through time. The user can choose how far into the future to travel to, but they will appear in the exact same spot. The Time-Time Fruit is useful if the user needs to get out of a dangerous situation, but it is essentially useless in battle.

8The Kilo-Kilo Fruit Is A Weaker Version Of The Ton-Ton Fruit

First Used In Episode 66, “A Serious Fight! Luffy Vs. Zoro: The Baffling Duel!”


Miss Valentine Dropping Out Of The Sky With The Kilo-Kilo Fruit's Power Miss Valentine uses the Kilo-Kilo Fruit to plummet onto her target in One Piece. Miss Valentine angrily falls onto Zoro with her Kilo-Kilo Fruit in One Piece. Usopp is pinned down by the Kilo-Kilo Fruit's weight in One Piece.

Best Technique: 10,000 Kilo Press
Known User: Mikita

The Kilo-Kilo Fruit debuted during One Piece‘s Whiskey Peak Arc, and it is essentially a far weaker version of Machvise’s Ton-Ton Fruit. The user can manipulate their own weight at will, but there are specific limitations. The lowest weight that the user can achieve is roughly 2 pounds, while the maximum amount of weight is roughly 22,000 pounds. The user’s weight may fluctuate, but their actual body does not change.

The increased weight does not make the user more durable, but their movement is not impeded either. When they weigh less, the user can evade attacks easier, so it does have some defensive upside. The user’s maximum weight can deal damage, but it is only effective if they attack someone from the air. Unfortunately, they typically have to move in a straight line, so the attack can be dodged very easily.

7The Whisper-Whisper Fruit Allows The User To Speak To Animals

First Used In Episode 66, “Foreboding Of A New Adventure! The Puzzling Girl, Apis”

Apis uses the Whisper-Whisper Fruit to to soothe Ryuji, a dragon in One Piece's Warship Island Arc.

Best Technique: Unknown
Known User: Apis

The Whisper-Whisper Fruit may not be part of One Piece‘s official canon, but it is still worthy of being mentioned. With this Paramecia, someone can understand the heart of any animal – which means that the user can telepathically communicate with animals. In order for this Devil Fruit to work, the user needs to gain the trust of an animal. If the user fails to do this, their power is completely worthless.

It should be noted that the user cannot control the animal that they communicate with. The animals can warn the user about incoming threats – whether it be a storm or enemy ship. Unless the user can convince the animals to fight on their behalf, the Whisper-Whisper Fruit is utterly useless in combat.

6The Pocket-Pocket Fruit Gives The User Pockets

First Used In Episode 461, “The Beginning Of The War! Ace And Whitebeard’s Past!”

Blamenco pulls a weapon from one of his pockets during One Piece's Summit War.

Best Technique: Unknown
Known User: Blamenco

The Pocket-Pocket Fruit was first used during the Summit War, and at the time, its power belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates. With this Devil Fruit, the user is able to create pockets throughout their body. The pockets are actually quite small, but the user can store much larger items in them with no difficulty at all. This is because the object’s size automatically changes whenever it enters or exists the pocket.

The Pocket-Pocket Fruit’s main power is storage capacity. The user can seemingly store an unlimited number of things inside of their body. It is true that the user can pull weapons out of these pockets during battle, but other than that, the Pocket-Pocket Fruit offers virtually nothing in terms of offense.

5The Millet-Millet Fruit’s Effects Are Temporary, And It Only Affect Animals

First Used In Episode 893, “O-Tama Appears – Luffy Vs. Kaidou’s Army!”


Tama uses her Millet-Millet Fruit to create a dumpling from her cheek In One Piece's Wano Arc. One Piece's Tama and Luffy ride on Speed after the Millet-Millet Fruit takes effect. Tama uses the Millet-Millet Fruit to control the Grifters during One Piece's Onigashima Raid. Otama offers a dango to Luffy in One Piece's Wano Arc.

Best Technique: Dumpling Star
Known User: Tama Kurozumi

The Millet-Millet is one of the many Devil Fruits introduced in the Wano Arc. It gives the user the power to create a special type of dumpling from their cheeks. Unlike the Heal-Heal Fruit, the user cannot be forced to produce a dumpling. If an animal were to eat one of these dumplings, they would instantly be tamed by the user. The animal will obey all of the user’s commands, and it will protect the user from harm.

The Millet-Millet Fruit does not work on humans or Zoan-type Devil Fruit users, but it can work on Artificial Zoan users. In principle, this sounds like a good power to have, but it will only work if the animal or Artificial Zoan user actually eats the dumpling. Even if they do eat it, the Millet-Millet Fruit’s effects will wear off after about a month.

4The Jacket-Jacket Fruit Turns The User Into A Living Jacket

First Used In Episode 645, “Destruction Cannon Blasts! Lucy In Trouble”


Kelly Funk uses his Devil Fruit to act like Bobby Funk's jacket In One Piece's Dressrosa Arc. One Piece's Kelly Funk prepares to fight in Dressrosa's Coliseum.
The Funk brother use the JacketJacket Fruit and the Rarara Rambo technique against Boo in One Piece. Bobby Funk wears his brother like a jacket during One Piece's Dressrosa Arc.Kelly Funk uses his Devil Fruit to act like Bobby Funk's jacket In One Piece's Dressrosa Arc. One Piece's Kelly Funk prepares to fight in Dressrosa's Coliseum. The Funk brother use the JacketJacket Fruit and the Rarara Rambo technique against Boo in One Piece. Bobby Funk wears his brother like a jacket during One Piece's Dressrosa Arc.

Best Technique: Rarara Violence
Known User: Kelly Funk

The Jacket-Jacket Fruit may be the silliest Devil Fruit in One Piece. Like its name suggests, it allows the user to turn themselves into a jacket, and other individuals can wear them like actual clothing. The user is in full control of the wearer’s body, and they can use the wearer’s strength. Based on what has been shown in the anime and manga, the wearer needs to be a willing participant.

There does not seem to be any type of size issue – which means that the user can be worn by any other human. The user can fight while they are being worn, and the extra strength of the wearer can be useful. Unfortunately, the Jacket-Jacket Fruit is utterly useless unless the user is being worn. Without a wearer, the user is basically an ordinary person who can no longer swim.

3The Berry-Berry Fruit Splits The User’s Body Into Berry-Shaped Balls

First Used In Episode 309, “Feelings Put Into Fists! Luffy’s Full-Power Gatling”

Very Good using his Berry-Berry Fruit abilities against Franky during One Piece's Saobody Archipelago arc.

Best Technique: Unknown
Known User: Very Good

The Marines have several powerful Devil Fruits at their disposal, but the Berry-Berry Fruit is not one of them. This Paraemecia gives its user the ability to split their body parts into small cannonball-like spheres. In the anime, these spheres were able to float in midair, but in the manga, they were only able to bounce on the ground.

The Berry-Berry Fruit is actually a good defensive Devil Fruit because the user is immune to standard blunt attacks. Unfortunately, this immunity will not be very helpful if the attacker is a powerful Haki user. If the user splits their entire body, most of their strength and speed will disappear in favor of defense. A Berry-Berry Fruit user may have a defensive edge, but they will likely never win a fight with this power.

2The Cook-Cook Fruit Turns Everything Into Food

First Used In Episode 832, “The Kiss Of Death – The Emperor Assassination Plan Begins!”


Streusen Using The Cook-Cook Fruit To Turn a Log Into Meat In One Piece Streusen creates a wedding cake with wedding cake with his Cook-Cook Fruit in One Piece. Streusen uses the Cook-Cook Fruit to turn a rock into a pastry in One Piece. Streusen uses the Cook-Cook Fruit to create a large wedding Cake in One Piece.

Best Technique: Veranderung Gourmet
Known User: Streusen

The Cook-Cook Fruit was one of the many food-related Devil Fruits introduced during the Whole Cake Island Arc. It is also partially responsible for Big Mom becoming a pirate. This Paramecia gives its user the power to turn other objects into food. The user will never go hungry as long as they stay away from seawater and seastone cages.

If the user has a decent sword, they can turn logs into meat, or stones into pastries. With enough experience, they can create a towering cake by simply stabbing their blade into the ground. The Cook-Cook Fruit’s food may satisfy hunger, but it does not taste very good. This Devil Fruit is perfect for chefs, but its offensive and defensive abilities are practically non-existent.

1The Garb-Garb Fruit Turns Small Objects Into Clothing

First Used In Episode 588, “Reunion After Two Years! Luffy And Law”


Kin'emon uses his Garb-Garb Fruit to turn an object into clothing in One Piece. One Piece's Kin'emon uses the Garb-Garb Fruit to give himself a Doflamingo disguise. Kin'emon uses the Garb-Grab Fruit to give the Straw Hats disguises during One Piece's Dressrosa Arc. One Piece's Kin'emon uses the Grab-Garb Fruit to give himself, Luffy, and Zoro animal costumes.

Best Technique: Kin-chan Kimono Shop
Known User: Kin’emon

The Garb-Garb Fruit can be used for espionage, but it has virtually no offensive capabilities. When someone eats this Devil Fruit, they gain the ability to create any type of clothing. In order to do so, the user needs to have leaves, small rocks, or some other type of small object around. These objects become clothes. The quality of the clothes is entirely dependent on the user’s imagination.

The user can fashion costumes as well as decent disguises. In some cases, the user will end up looking like a discount Doflamingo. The Garb-Garb Fruit can be used to create functional armor, but other than that, it has no defensive attributes that would be helpful in battle.