Kourtney Kardashian’s lifestyle brand, Poosh, has been under scrutiny lately for questionable business practices, particularly involving small vendors and influencers. The latest incident involves a vendor invited to participate in Poosh’s activation at Coachella, only to be offered exposure instead of actual payment. This issue highlights a concerning trend where even wealthy entities expect free labor from smaller businesses and freelancers, exploiting their desire for visibility and potential future opportunities.

An aura photography business owner shared her experience with Poosh, revealing that she was approached to provide services at Poosh Camp during Coachella. The event, held in Palm Springs, was supposed to be a great opportunity for exposure. However, upon discussing the terms, she discovered that Poosh was not willing to offer monetary compensation. Instead, they proposed payment in the form of tags on a blog and an Instagram post. Given the significant costs associated with setting up and running an aura photography booth, the vendor understandably declined the offer.

Operating an aura photography booth for an event is not cheap. The vendor mentioned that a typical 4-hour event would cost between $1,500 and $2,000, considering all the prep work, travel, and setup involved. For the two-day Poosh Camp, the total cost would be around $4,000, excluding accommodations. Expecting a small business to cover these costs out of pocket, especially during a financially challenging time like the pandemic, is unrealistic and unfair.

This incident isn’t isolated. There is a broader pattern within the Kardashian empire, where vendors and small businesses are often asked to provide services for free in exchange for exposure. While exposure can be valuable, it doesn’t pay the bills. Many small business owners and freelancers have shared similar stories of being approached by high-profile clients with lucrative offers that, upon closer inspection, offer little more than the hope of future opportunities.

In a recent episode of “The Kardashians,” Kourtney expressed her frustration with managing personal dramas and details within her team, emphasizing her need to focus on “big picture stuff.” This approach suggests a disconnect between her and the operational realities of running a business. Effective delegation is crucial, but completely detaching from the details can lead to mismanagement and unfair treatment of collaborators.

The practice of offering “exposure” instead of payment reflects a troubling trend in the influencer and event industry. While large brands and celebrities can easily afford to pay for services, they often rely on their fame to secure free labor. This expectation places undue pressure on small businesses and freelancers, who may feel compelled to accept these offers for fear of missing out on future opportunities.

The backlash against Poosh and Kourtney Kardashian highlights the need for fair compensation practices. While exposure can be beneficial, it should not replace actual payment for services rendered. Businesses, especially those with substantial financial resources, should prioritize fair treatment of their collaborators. This includes offering appropriate compensation for services, covering necessary expenses, and recognizing the value of the work provided.

The controversy surrounding Poosh and its treatment of vendors at Coachella serves as a reminder of the importance of fair compensation in the business world. Kourtney Kardashian and other high-profile individuals must recognize their responsibility to treat collaborators with respect and fairness. By ensuring that small businesses and freelancers are adequately compensated, they can foster a more equitable and sustainable industry.