Miley Cyrus Shocks Fans as They’re Reminded of Her ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ Cameo Role

Miley Cyrus had a small secret cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 thanks to director James Gunn

Mainframe, Miley Cyrus


Did you know Miley Cyrus was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2?

Director James Gunn brought in a few big stars — including Cyrus — for a scene filled with starry cameos in the sequel.

The mid-credits scene, one of five total, shows Sylvester Stallone, Michelle Yeoh, Ving Rhames, Michael Rosenbaum and Cyrus gathering after the death of Yondu, who served as surrogate father for Star Lord (Chris Pratt).

“You know, it’s a shame that it took the tragedy of losing Yondu to bring us all together again, but I think he would be proud knowing we’re back as a team,” Stallone’s Stakar says to the group.

The scene then flashes to every character, with Cyrus’ Mainframe, a robot, uttering the line: “I miss you guys so much.”

Years after the movie’s release, Gunn and Cyrus reminisced on the cameo — and left many fans shocked.

“Who remembers Miley voicing ‘Mainframe’ in ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy 2’?” read a tweet from account Miley Updates alongside a clip from the scene.

“Me,” Gunn replied in a quote tweet, tagging Cyrus.

“I miss you guys so much,” Cyrus responded, repeating her line and adding a robot emoji.

Gunn previously explained why he asked Cyrus to join the team in an uncredited voice role.

“I find her funny and likable and sweet. I liked that she cared about the contestants. So I was like, I think she would be a funny person to have as a voice. So we contacted her, and she said yes. She came in and recorded, and she was a delight to work with,” he told BuzzFeed, via Newsweek.