NBA – The merciless rule proposed by Shaquille O’Neal: “You don’t do that, you’re kicked out of the league”

The legend Shaquille O'Neal on the set of the TNT channel

13 years after his retirement, Shaquille O’Neal continues to closely follow the NBA and comment on current events. A recent scandal in the league has led it to consider a new, more radical rule.

It is quite rare for a player to have his contract terminated by the league because of certain misconduct.

But during these few exceptions, the highest authorities of the NBA are intractable.

The last major scandal of this kind concerns Jontay Porter, expelled for life from the league following a pitiful sports betting affair . An affair which obviously triggered many reactions in the industry.

While Internet users had, as usual, commented with humor on this viral soap opera, Adam Silver had adopted a completely different posture.

Obviously questioned on this subject before making any decision, the big boss of the NBA had indeed delivered strong words which presaged such a dismissal of the ex-Raptor player.

He was not the only one to lose his temper like this.

The Shameless Rule Proposed by Shaq

Attentive to the progress of the NBA as a consultant and co-host of his own podcast, Shaquille O’Neal was able to speak on the Jontay Porter issue.

All this, without showing the slightest pity towards the guilty interior.

So, after announcing the harsh correction he would have given him if he had been his teammate, he turned into a commissioner and came up with a rule accordingly:

He would have to return his full salary, and he would have 30 days to do so. You have 30 days to pay the $450,000 you receive.

You owe the league $450,000 plus whatever you made from betting — $250,000 or whatever, so you have to pay $650,000 in those 30 days.

If you don’t do this, you are kicked out of the league and all other basketball competitions, whether in Europe or even Overtime Elite.

Holder of a two-way contract in Toronto, Porter was indeed due to receive a salary close to $400,000 this season.

However, in a league chaired by O’Neal , the interior would only have had to return the entire sum as well as his winnings linked to the famous bets in order to continue his career.

Without which he would never be able to play basketball on a professional circuit again, regardless of the location.

Advice that Adam Silver apparently did not take into account, who was content to simply dismiss the culprit from the NBA.

It remains to be seen whether the latter will manage to bounce back after such a public affront and find service in a new environment. For the moment, no rumors in this direction have emerged.

For Shaquille O’Neal, Jontay Porter could possibly have been entitled to a second chance after his sports betting scandal by fully reimbursing his salary and winnings. Adam Silver, however, decidedly preferred to disbar him for life.

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