NBA – Shaq appears with a young woman and turns the canvas: “Look who…

Shaquille O'Neal created a buzz with this young woman
The Big Podcast (DR) / Plan Bri (DR)

Shaquille O’Neal is very active on social media and he knows how to create a buzz with every post. The proof is that he just posted himself with a viral young woman and collected more than 200,000 likes for this lunar collaboration…

Unlike other legends who don’t necessarily understand how social media works, Shaquille O’Neal is very aware of what’s happening on the web.

Whether on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok, Diesel has mastered all the codes to create buzz. Between funny photos and debates on the history of the league, he encourages his fans to interact.

It must be said that he has a pretty exciting life to feed all his accounts. He is an NBA legend, but also a renowned analyst on the #1 show in the league, a father, a hilarious comedian and a DJ who travels to festivals around the world

. The summer season has just started, so DJ Diesel has hit the road to make electronic music fans dance.

Shaquille O’Neal Creates Buzz With Young Woman

First stop on this journey that will last several weeks, Nashville, Tennessee. And behind the scenes, he was able to come across the new social media phenomenon.

They immortalized the moment, and to tell you how popular the young woman is, more than 215,000 people have given a like. Luckily he’s single…

Look who I found in Nashville…

For those who don’t recognize the young woman, she just went viral in a viral interview, during which she explains her ultimate technique for satisfying men on an intimate level.

Not only have her words entered common parlance across the Atlantic, but she’s also invited to all the major events in Tennessee… And clearly, DJ Diesel is not losing his bearings.

Shaquille O’Neal has mastered social media like no one else, as proven by this viral Twitter post. He rode the current trend to garner 200,000 likes, and thus promote his summer tour.

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