Joe Rogan discusses Mike Tyson and his ‘raw meat’ comments toward Jake Paul.

Joe Rogan has shared his views on Mike Tyson as the heavyweight seems locked in on Jake Paul and has even begun viewing his opponent as ‘raw meat’.

Despite his age, Tyson is preparing to make his long-awaited return to professional boxing when he collides with Jake Paul later this year. While the bout has received mixed reviews from fans due to the age differential, the intrigue of a man once labeled ‘the most dangerous man on the planet’ competing once again has many peoples attention.

All eyes are on Mike Tyson’s comeback, but Joe Rogan did have some positive things to say about Jake Paul.

“[He’s] a legitimate boxer, yes,” Rogan said about Jake Paul on his JRE Podcast. “People mocked me when I was saying that before, but now I think people are coming around.”

“If this kid was not a YouTuber. If he wasn’t some guy that you knew from the time he was like 16 years old on YouTube, and you just saw him box, you saw him knock out former UFC champions, you saw him beat legitimate boxers or beat athletes and beat a bunch of MMA fighters, you’d go, ‘This kid can f***ing fight.”

Rogan then went on to discuss just how unnerving Mike Tyson was during his prime years inside the squared circle.

“There’s not a f***ing chance in hell that Jake Paul would survive against the Mike Tyson that beat Marvis Frasier… It was an execution.”

“It was Tyson in his prime where he was f***ing terrifying. He was so fast and he would do angles, he was bobbing and weaving, you couldn’t hit him, and he was just coming at you.”

“I think that Mike Tyson is the best heavyweight of all time. I don’t think anybody f***s with him… I look at fighters when they’re in their absolute prime, like what have you ever seen that was better than this? And with Mike Tyson, I’ve never seen anybody better… He’s still not normal. But he’s still like a heavyweight professional boxer, he’s still terrifying.”

Joe Rogan later spoke on Mike Tyson’s comments about Jake Paul and the former heavyweight kingpins elite mentality.

“Mike Tyson’s mind has switched over into war. He was doing this interview and someone said to him, he goes, ‘You look like you’re in your 20’s, what are you doing?’ He [Tyson] goes, ‘I just eat raw meat… I’m eating raw meat because that’s what I’m going to eat when I fight. I’m gonna eat him, he’s raw meat.'”

“He’s in that God of War mode. He’s still got that in him… He’s in savage mode right now, he’s in savage mode. If I was Jake Paul right now I’d be sh*ttng my pants.”

Mike Tyson

Rogan later reminisced on how Mike Tyson inadvertently forced him to change the size of the table in his studio.

“He’s terrifying when he’s in the zone. I changed the shape of the table because of him… We had a table that was this size at the old studio and at the new studio, I was like, ‘Maybe we’ll make the table smaller, it’ll be more intimate, I’ll be closer to the guests.'”

“So, we had Mike Tyson in when he was 300-pounds. And he was just eating and having fun and smoking weed… Then he got this offer to fight Roy Jones Jr..”

“So, he gets in insane shape and the next time I see him, the second podcast we do, Mike now weighs 230-pounds and he’s got these muscles in his forearms. So, he’s sitting there and he’s a different human.”

“He’s so intense, that I was like, ‘If this table was closer to him, I’d be nervous.’ Like, I wouldn’t be able to do my best job as a podcaster. That’s the reason why this table is this width.”

“I’m always afraid when I’m around that guy. Kevin Hart said it best, he goes, ‘It’s like being in a room with a lion.'”

Rogan admitted that he’s interested in seeing how the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul affair plays out.

“I’m curious. I’m gonna watch the fight, we’re all gonna watch the fight. I’m gonna watch it. I mean, it’s a brilliant move by Jake because if he was going to fight anybody else, people would watch, but would the same amount of people watch? No.”

“This is the one where the old heads are all sitting around going, ‘Wait until he gets a hold of Mike Tyson, he’s going to regret that.’ All the old guys are pulling for him like, ‘Come on, Mike. Come on, one more. You got one more in you.'”

“I think this fight is going to be a real, full bore, 100% fight. It’s not even an exhibition. It counts on their professional record so it’s a professional fight.”

Listen to what Joe Rogan had to say about Mike Tyson and Jake Paul below.