The Straw Hat Pirates are gearing up for their escape from Egghead Island with the help of Bonney’s powerful abilities.
The Iron Giant sinks to the bottom of the ocean, showcasing a mysterious connection with Joy Boy and Luffy’s Gear 5.
Exciting battles, alliances, and a tense showdown with the Elders are on the horizon in the upcoming chapters of One Piece.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for chapter 1118 of One Piece, “The Most Free,” by Eiichiro Oda, translated by Stephen Paul, and lettered by Vanessa Satone, now available in English from MangaPlus.

One Piece chapter 1118 dropped officially earlier today and it was certainly a very intriguing addition to the Egghead Island Arc. This arc has been full of ups and downs for the Straw Hat Pirates, and now, it appears that things are finally going right for them. As things stand, the Straw Hat Pirates are just a couple of chapters away from escaping from this island and then heading to the Land of the Warriors, also known as Elbaf.

Things are looking incredibly exciting at this point in the manga, and this chapter certainly hammered home the fact that the Straw Hat Pirates are now ready to leave, with one final push against the Elders left in order to secure and escape. At the same time, the chapter also tackled some other interesting things, such as Vegapunk’s continuing message, and at the same time, the re-emergence of the Iron Giant as well.

The Iron Giant Sinks

Warcury’s Tackle Caused The Iron Giant To Skin To The Ocean Floor

iron giant sinks one piece 1118

One Piece chapter 1118 opened with an emphatic scene of the Iron Giant sinking. This was rather expected, given that the Iron Giant was tackled by none other than Warcury in the previous chapter. It was able to knock down the Giant and push it back so far enough that it ended up sinking into the ocean, taking down a couple of giant Marine Warships with it to the bottom of the ocean. While it was sinking, however, fans could see it thinking to itself. It appears that after Luffy lost access to Gear 5, the Iron Giant was rather confused. It could not recognize Joy Boy anymore. This essentially means that only when Luffy is utilizing the power of Gear 5 can he see himself as Joy Boy.

Joy Boy, Where did you go? Want to see you. You were there, Joy Boy. Strange. So strange..

The Iron Giant clearly mentioned that he felt Joy Boy around him but that he doesn’t feel his presence anymore. He wanted to cross paths with him and likely even converse with him. However, now, his presence is not felt on Egghead. This also raises a very interesting question of whether the old Joy Boy, who existed in the Void Century, was always able to maintain Gear 5. Perhaps, his powers were somewhat different from those of Luffy. Fans do not know just yet. However, the fact that the iron giant did not know that Gear 5 could get powered on and off is rather intriguing because had he seen this phenomenon before, he would have known that Luffy could essentially turn into Joy Boy.

Regardless, the Iron Giant ended up sinking to the bottom of the ocean, and that is something that fans saw in One Piece after 1118, right at the very beginning. Fans also got to see the reactions of some other people around the world in this chapter. For instance, in the land of Arabasta and quite a few other places in the world, people were contemplating if Vegapunk was truly killed by the Government. Many people attributed Vegapunk’s death to the Straw Hat Pirates, given that it was recently announced that Straw Hat had barricaded himself inside Egghead and taken Vegapunk as a hostage. It appears that the opinion on this is mixed among people, but the vast majority are still backing the Government.

vegapunk mother flame one piece 1117

More importantly, the Elders have now changed their target, and this essentially kickstarts the next phase of the finale of Egghead Island. According to the Elders, with Vegapunk’s message being interrupted now, the goal is to eliminate the remaining satellites of Vegapunk. York is to be promoted to the position of a Celestial Dragon, and other than her, two other Vegapunks are still alive. These are Atlas and Lilith. This also confirms that Edison has died. Currently, Atlas is on the Fabriophase, with the remaining of the Straw Hat Pirates. Meanwhile, Lilith is on the Labophase on the Sunny, and the Elders are certainly going to be targeting these individuals in order to get rid of what they know about the world.

Luffy And Bonney Prepare For Escape

Luffy And Bonney Utilize Gear 5 To Secure A Path to Victory

One Piece 1118 Luffy And The Giants One Piece 1118 Iron Giant One Piece 1118 Luffy And Elbaf Giants One Piece 1118 Vice Admiral Doll And Bluegrass One Piece 1118 Luffy And The Giants One Piece 1118 Iron Giant One Piece 1118 Luffy And Elbaf Giants One Piece 1118 Vice Admiral Doll And Bluegrass

One Piece chapter 1118 also focused greatly on Bonney. Finally, Bonney saw some fighting action in this chapter, and using her powers, she was able to take down two Vice Admirals at the same time. Bonney’s powers are lethal and despite the Admirals being very strong, she was able to turn them into kids in an instant.

Bonney used her Devil Fruit ability on Doll and Bluegrass, removing both of them from the face of battle. These were two of the strongest Marines on the island, and now, they are essentially useless in battle. At the same time, fans also got to see Luffy, along with Dorry and Brogy, arriving on the Elbaf giant ship as well. All of them got on board and set sail from the island, which means that an escape is now very close.

Bonney is with them as well, as are the remaining Straw Hats, such as Franky and even Sanji. Furthermore, the bodies of both Kuma and Vegapunk have been secured as well, and fans will most definitely get to see more of them later down the line.

five elders one piece

The Straw Hat Pirates are prepared for their escape from both the Fabriophase and the Labophase, but the Elders have other plans. Currently, the Five Elders want to stop the Strawhat Pirates, and Mars was seen making an active effort to stop the ship of the Giants from leaving. He launched a powerful blast of fire breath at the ship, which was blocked by two members of the Giant Pirates. Even though they managed to block this beam, they ended up catching fire and getting injured greatly, along with a sizable portion of the ship catching fire. The giant ship is not going to get out of here easily, which means that the Straw Hat Pirates will have to fight their way out.

Joy Boy And Joy Girl Arrive On The Battlefield

With Two Nikas On Egghead, A Fight And Escape Seems Inevitable

One Piece 1118 Distorted Future Bonney One Piece 1118 Nika Bonney Gear 5 One Piece 1118 Bonney And LuffyOne Piece 1118 Distorted Future Bonney One Piece 1118 Nika Bonney Gear 5 One Piece 1118 Bonney And Luffy

One Piece chapter 1118 ended on a very interesting note, as Mars, along with every other Elders, made their preparations to stand in the path of the Straw Hat Pirates. Seeing that, Luffy consumed all the eatables he could find on the ship of the Giants, and now, he is back at full strength, ready to go once again. Luffy took to using Gear 5 immediately, and as he did that, he also helped Bonney to do the same.

With help from Luffy, Bonney could use Distorted Future to manifest the powers of Nika, given that she can imagine just about any future for herself and then make it a reality. With that, Joy Boy and Joy Girl have now arrived on the battlefield, and both of them will be looking to fight against the Elders in the upcoming chapter of One Piece. Things are going to get much more exciting from here onwards, and fans should brace themselves for intriguing combat in the upcoming chapter, just before a break week arrives.

Bonney, I don’t know how your powers work, but I know you can do it!!

At the same time, fans should also keep in mind that the Iron Giant is up and running once again. The Giant was able to hear the drums of liberation once again after Luffy and Bonney’s transformation. Now, it is active once again and will try its best to swim up from the bottom of the ocean and fight along with the two Nikas. Fans will be treated to an incredible battle, and from here onwards, the end of Egghead is just getting more exciting.